Strength: 5 minutes of clean warmup and technique 15 minutes of - TopicsExpress


Strength: 5 minutes of clean warmup and technique 15 minutes of hang clean work Met-Con: For athletes not competing in The Hell of the West 12 minute AMRAP 13 thrusters (42.5kg/30kg) 13 toes to bar For athletes competing in The Hell of the West Hell of the West Qualifier 2: Core 13 Qualifier 2 is the “Strength Test” Qualifier of this year’s championship. It is designed to test not only the overall strength of the athlete but also the stability of the athlete’s core under elevated loads. Athletes will have 3 minutes to complete a round of 13 squat clean thrusters and then 13 toes to bar or knee raises (NOVICE). The workout begins with the athlete standing tall. On GO, the athlete may approach the bar. Athletes will have 3 minutes to complete each round. If the athlete completes all repetitions within the 3 minutes they will be given an additional 3 minutes to complete another round but they must rest until the beginning of the next 3 minute round. Each 3 minute round begins with the bar resting on the ground. Your score will be the total repetitions completed during your time cap. SQUAT CLEAN THRUSTER: Every repetition of the squat clean thruster must have the athlete pass below parallel where the hip crease is clearly below the top of the knee and finish with the athlete fully locked out. That means the arms, hips and legs are extended and the bar is over the center of the athletes body when viewed from profile. When taking the bar from the floor athletes may either catch it in a full squat or drop down to a front squat with it. The bar must return to the ground every rep. There are no exceptions to these standards. TOES-TO-BAR: A successful toes to bar starts with the athlete hanging at full extension. At the finished position the feet make contact with the bar anywhere between the athlete’s hands. Both feet must touch at the same time for the repetition to count. Any grip is permitted, however, your feet must make contact between your hands and each successful repetition will see the heels pass behind the vertical plain of the pull up bar. KNEE RAISE: A successful knee raise starts with the athlete hanging at full extension. At the finished position the knees must visibly pass above the crease of the hips and travel beyond parallel to the floor. Any grip is permitted and each successful repetition will see the heels pass behind the vertical plain of the pull up bar. 13 Squat Clean Thrusters OPEN: 165/110 NOVICE: 135/85 13 Toes-to-Bar/Knee Raises 3 min to complete; +3 min until the athlete cannot finish the round in 3 minutes.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 01:30:00 +0000

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