Strength Lesson: Is your grip failing you on the Deadlift? Heres a - TopicsExpress


Strength Lesson: Is your grip failing you on the Deadlift? Heres a few quick tips to improve your grip strength. 1) Quit using straps: They arent inherently bad and I even use them for certain variations but, by and large, if you want your grip strength to improve then quit using straps and start challenging your grip by actually holding the weight. If you never hold the weight then youll never improve your grip. 2) Constantly challenge your grip: Use a variety of movements that *force* you to work on grip strength. Drills such as Farmers Carrys, DB Lunges, [weighted] Chin-Ups, and Heavy DB Rows are all fantastic movements that can be used to improve a variety of athletic qualities including grip strength. 3) Use chalk: Seriously. Slap a shit ton of chalk all over your hands. And I dont mean swipe a tiny stripe over your callouses. I mean powder your entire arm in chalk. Granted, it might seem excessive but #BroScience clearly shows a positive correlation between more chalk and increased strength. You wanna be strong(er), right? Use moar chalk.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 09:31:04 +0000

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