Stress Management Tips for Leaders: It’s a new year, which - TopicsExpress


Stress Management Tips for Leaders: It’s a new year, which means new goals and new opportunities. Although this can be very exciting, taking on new initiatives requires more attention, thought and planning than simply sticking to an old routine. Often people accept new responsibilities without eliminating any prior commitments. All of this has the potential to increase stress. A report commissioned by the American Psychological Association found that “48% of Americans consider stress to be having a negative impact on their lives. And over 70% of Americans report that they regularly experience physical and psychological symptoms of stress.” Senior leadership has the greatest potential to reduce stress. However, leaders must begin by ensuring they can effectively handle their own stress—the stress of leadership. When leaders demonstrate and model effective stress management, their example inspires others to do likewise. STRESS MANAGEMENT TIPS TO HELP LEADERS Here are five simple ways that leaders can moderate stress: Set Realistic Goals and Priorities: Ensure the goals you set are achievable and you have the resources you need to achieve them. Encourage Good Time Management Techniques: Plan for important activities and projects, schedule them in advance, follow up with others, and keep good records to help get things accomplished. Don’t Procrastinate: Procrastination and delay breed more stress. Eliminate items that can’t/won’t get done and do those that are most important first. Maintain a Positive Attitude: Think of stressful situations as a challenge to your creative thinking. Be confident that everything will get done. Get Sleep: Studies show that sleep deprivation can impact your judgment, your mood and your health. Besides being an example for others, leaders have the opportunity to help employees feel less pressured. The Employee Promise at The Ritz-Carlton pledges to “enhance the quality of life” of our employees, our Ladies and Gentlemen. STRESS MANAGEMENT TIPS TO HELP EMPLOYEES Managers can reduce stress for their teams by applying and practicing the following: Improve Communication: Share information with employees to reduce uncertainty when possible. Clearly define roles and responsibilities to ensure accountability and make communication friendly and efficient. Consult Your Employees: Be sure the workload is appropriate to the employee’s ability and resources. At The Ritz-Carlton, Service Value 9—I am involved in the planning of the work that affects me—encourages involving employees in the planning stages of projects. Offer Rewards and Incentives: Praise good work performance. This can be done through verbal praise (public or private), written praise (emails and cards), small gifts or other acts of kindness and appreciation. Another great incentive is to foster learning, growth and career development for your employees. Cultivate a Friendly Social Climate: Provide opportunities for social interaction among employees. For example, joining an organization’s softball team is a great way to have fun with your colleagues and relieve stress. With the new year upon us, we will be tempted to accomplish more. Yet as Mahatma Gandhi so wisely reminds us, “There is more to life than increasing its speed.” Let’s make 2015 memorable, and let’s achieve this by focusing on quality as well as quantity. ∞
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 22:57:31 +0000

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