Strike Looms as Health Workers Declare Dispute Health workers - TopicsExpress


Strike Looms as Health Workers Declare Dispute Health workers in Zambia have declared a dispute with the government in the 2014 negotiations for improved salaries and conditions of service for nurses and other health workers. A joint statement by three unions representing the workers states that the negotiations fell through without an agreement. Below is the JOINT STATEMENT HEALTH SECTOR UNIONS DECLARE DISPUTE WITH GOVERNMENT JOINT PRESS RELEASE 29th May 2014 COMPOSITION: HEALTH WORKERS UNION OF ZAMBIA (HWUZ), ZAMBIA UNION OF NURSES ORGANISATION (ZUNO), ZAMBIA NATIONAL UNION OF HEALTH AND ALLIED WORKERS (ZNUHAW) It is our wish to announce to all stakeholders that the Health Sector Unions Negotiating Team have declared a collective dispute with the Zambian Government Negotiating Team (ZGNT), regarding the 2014 negotiations for improved Salaries and Conditions of Service for Nursing and other health workers in the public service. The Government and Health Sector Unions Bargaining Unit could not reach an agreement on some of the issues that were under negotiations from November 2013 and ended yesterday; 28th May 2014. Disputed issues are as follows: i) Government’s unilaterally declared salary moratorium (Salary Freeze) for 2014 and 2015. ii) Government’s unilaterally declared Freeze on net recruitment of health personnel in 2014. iii) Misplacement of nursing and other health workers with certificates in a lower salary scale “F” in comparison to their counterparts with similar level of qualifications who are placed in Salary Scale “G”, contrarily to the principles guiding the implementation of the newly introduced Single Spine Salary Structure. iv) Failure by Government to exercise the spirit of give and take despite health sector unions having exercised this principle which is the hallmark of any collective bargaining process. Because of its stiff-necked position throughout the negotiations process, Government lamentably failed to consider awarding even slightest increases demanded by unions as follows: a. Health Personnel Shift Differential allowance (from the current 15% to 17.5% of one’s monthly basic salary). b. Commuted Night Duty Allowance (from the current 7% to 9% of one’s monthly basic salary); and c. Transport allowance (from the current 10% to 14% of one’s monthly basic salary). Since the negotiation process has now collapsed and a collective dispute successfully declared by evoking Section 75 of the Industrial and Labour Relations Act, Cap. 269 of the Laws of Zambia, the Health Sector Unions have now to go to another level, for remedy! All relevant parties have since been informed including Government (employer) through its negotiating team, and the Labour Commissioner. It is therefore, our appeal to all health workers including nurses and midwives throughout the country, to remain calm as we commence the process of resolving the said collective dispute. Meanwhile, thank you very much to all our health sector unionized members for the patience exhibited so far. You shall be receiving updates whenever necessary, from time to time. Thank you Chrispin K. Sampa President HWUZ Thom D. Yungana President ZUNO Chrispin Mweemba President ZNUHAW zambiareports/2014/05/30/strike-looms-health-workers-declare-dispute/
Posted on: Fri, 30 May 2014 07:25:14 +0000

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