💥Strong faith in the Gohonzon, together with sincere practice - TopicsExpress


💥Strong faith in the Gohonzon, together with sincere practice and study of the Gosho, will ensure that we will triumph over all challenges and win in the end💥 Josei Toda once declared: I want to rid Kansai of sickness and poverty. Indeed, I am determined to do so! These words remind us again of how he put his heart and soul into giving guidance and encouragement to the members. Exactly forty years ago, on the occasion of the First Osaka Chapter General Meeting, President Toda proclaimed, The purpose of our practice of faith is for all of us to become truly happy, and We embrace faith to secure our happiness throughout the infinite future. The purpose of faith is certainly not to subjugate oneself to the authority of temples or clergy, but, as my mentor clearly stated, to enable each person to attain happiness that endures eternally throughout the three existences of life. President Toda also often said, Those of you who have problems or sufferings, pray earnestly! Buddhism is a deadly serious win-or-lose struggle. If you should [pray with such an earnest attitude] and still have no solution forthcoming, then I will give you my life! This invincible conviction on which Mr. Toda was willing to stake his life inspired the members. By faithfully carrying on and practicing in accord with this spirit, we have built a global organization -- the SGI. Buddhism means putting the teachings into practice. Practice equals faith. With sincere prayer and action, our desires cannot possibly fail to be fulfilled. When you continue to apply yourselves to your Buddhist practice toward kosen-rufu, solidifying and gaining mastery in your faith, you will find that all your prayers will definitely be answered. An expert archer can accurately hit a target with a single arrow. I hope all of you will become masters of faith and masters of life who will realize the complete fulfillment of all your desires. I also pray that you will be leaders of unshakable conviction who proudly open a new age of hope for kosen-rufu and the world. 💥Basics of Faith from SGI President Ikeda💥 🌊Gosho:🌊 “Though one might point at the earth and miss it, though one might bind up the sky, though the tides might cease to ebb and flow and the sun rise in the west, it could never come about that the prayers of the practitioner of the Lotus Sutra would go unanswered.” 💥Dialogue on the Lotus Sutra, #50, “Dharani (26th chapter), Living Buddhism, July 2000, p. 35)💥 The Unfathomable Power of Daimoku Haruo Suda: He [Shakyamuni] says that by accepting and upholding even a single verse of the Lotus Sutra, we will gain the same benefit as we would by making offerings to an infinite number of Buddhas. When you stop to think about it, this is remarkable. President Ikeda: How is this possible? It’s because the Lotus Sutra is the source of enlightenment of all the infinite numbers of Buddhas. In particular, the source of the enlightenment of all Buddhas is the implicit teaching of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. This daimoku is the sutra’s undiluted and pure essence. Takanori Endo: The Daishonin’s Buddhism is truly incredible. President Ikeda: Therefore, we mustn’t try to gauge the power of daimoku with our limited state of life, thinking, “This must be all there is.” The sutra says that the benefit of daimoku is beyond even the Buddha to fathom. For us to suppose that we understand its full scope is nothing short of arrogance. If we underestimate the infinite power of benefit of the Gohonzon owing to weak faith, then we will be only able to tap a minute portion of the Gohonzon’s power. Speaking at Toshima Public Hall in Tokyo, second Soka Gakkai President Josei Toda would often say on numerous occasions: “If the benefit that I have received is as great as this hall, then the benefit that all of you have received is no more than the size of my little finger.” Japan today is facing a difficult economic situation. For precisely that reason, I hope all of our members will acquire immense benefit now. I would like to see each one gain inexhaustible good fortune. When times are good, anyone can do well. It is when times get tough that we can see what we are made of. That is when our faith is put to the test. It is important that we patiently strive to create hope. Dedication to Kosen-rufu Brings Forth Incredible Life Force (p.47-48) President Ikeda: At any rate, there is a fundamental difference in someone who strives to protect the SGI for the sake of kosen-rufu and someone who tries to use it for personal gain. It’s incredible just how much energy, wisdom and compassion well forth from our lives and how much the Buddhist gods go to work for us when we truly stand up for kosen-rufu. … The important thing is to stand alone and chant daimoku with the pledge, “I will accomplish kosen-rufu without fail.” We need to pray to the Gohonzon, “Please allow me to fight with the intensity of a charging demon.” With such prayer, we cannot fail to manifest power. We cannot fail to win. No matter how difficult the circumstances, one who stands up in earnest for kosen-rufu will absolutely receive the protection of the Buddhist gods. It is the “Dharani” chapter that teaches such passionate confidence in faith. [emphasis added]
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 05:04:14 +0000

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