Struck By A Bullet Meant for the President An Amazing Fact: Teddy - TopicsExpress


Struck By A Bullet Meant for the President An Amazing Fact: Teddy Roosevelt, on his way to deliver a campaign speech in Milwaukee, was shot point blank in the chest by John Schrank with a .38 caliber revolver. Providentially, the 50-page speech, folded over twice in Roosevelt’s breast pocket, slowed the bullet down, sparing his life. Schrank was seized and might have been lynched had Roosevelt not shouted for the criminal to remain unharmed. Amazingly, Roosevelt went on with his scheduled one-hour speech and only then went to the doctor. Isn’t that a lot like Jesus? Not many people would choose to protect their would-be assassins—but Jesus prayed for His executioners, “Father, forgive them.” That’s the kind of love and mercy you’re helping Amazing Facts share with people through your faithful support. People like John and his wife Beverly, who were baptized into God’s remnant church after attending one of our prophecy seminars and completing our Study Guides! It’s the pinnacle of their extraordinary story of survival and salvation, and YOU played a huge part in the journey. Here’s how … Surviving Execution During World War II, John’s family fled Nazi Germany for Shanghai, China, leaving everything behind. It was a harrowing flight for survival. For many years, John lived in this war-torn Asian city that was eventually captured by the Japanese. One day, when a group of Chinese patriots were being gathered up for execution, 10-year-old John was among them. Many shots were fired, and John was struck. Miraculously, the boy survived and was rescued from the pile of lifeless bodies by a compassionate couple. When John was 14, he managed to find a way to America and begin a new life. A Bullet for the President Many years later in 1975, while walking to work one morning in San Francisco, John noticed a group of people gathering near St. Francis Hotel. He stopped and talked with his friend, a police officer, who told him that at any moment, President Gerald Ford would emerge. As the president stepped out from the lobby, the large crowd began to applaud. But just then a shot rang out! A woman had attempted to assassinate the president, but the misaimed bullet meant for Ford ricocheted off a building and hit John, causing him a lot of pain but not seriously wounding him. President Ford later sent him a letter from the White House. Many more years passed, and John often wondered why God had preserved him so many times—and what His plan for his life really was. Looking for Truth John & BeverlyJohn’s wife, Beverly, always had a keen interest in religion. She first heard our Bible Answers Live program on the radio. Then in 1999, while trying to find a TV program to watch, she says, “For some reason, the only channel I could get with my little antenna at the time was [showing] Pastor Batchelor preach. Eventually, we got cable, and I was able to watch Amazing Facts Presents.” One day a few years back, the couple drove past my church in Sacramento, where they noticed signs for an Amazing Facts Revelation prophecy series. “We should go,” Beverly suggested to John. “I didn’t even realize this was Pastor Doug’s church!” Beverly explains. After attending the series and completing our Bible Study Guides, the couple was baptized and, today, they continue to faithfully attend Sacramento Central. John says he especially appreciates the Bible-centered messages each Sabbath. Beverly shares, “I really appreciate Amazing Facts, because so many of the Bible questions I’ve had for years have been answered. I have found real truth.” A Sample of Thousands I’m able to share this story because I saw it unfold right here in Sacramento. But I know John’s and Beverly’s story is only one of thousands of others like it that are happening every week around the world through the ministry of Amazing Facts! In fact, our television and radio programs, the prophecy seminars, and our Bible lessons and books are changing lives even while you read this. One reason Karen and I support Amazing Facts is because we see firsthand the living, breathing examples of lives that have been transformed by the many potent outreach programs of this ministry. We see the new sparkle of hope and joy in their eyes. And what better investment than to help somebody live forever? God the Father placed an astronomically high price tag on every soul when He offered His Son to redeem us! To God, each human life has incredible eternal value—that’s why Jesus came to die for us (John 3:14–16). Sadly, every single lost person is on death row awaiting execution. If you could redeem a person from this certain death, would you? This is what Amazing Facts is doing every day. We are breaking into the devil’s prison and, through our prophecy seminars, television programs, Bible lessons, and Internet ministries, we are liberating captives and placing them on the road to life. But we can only do this through a partnership with friends like you! Will you help us reach more amazing people like John and Beverly? You can help us change lives for eternity. I eagerly look forward to hearing you say “YES!” with your gift this month. Your friend in evangelism, Pastor Doug Batchelor President, Amazing Facts More here:
Posted on: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 16:27:06 +0000

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