Stuck in the dingy concrete barn of a farm in Michigan, rows of - TopicsExpress


Stuck in the dingy concrete barn of a farm in Michigan, rows of tiny cages are stacked four high against the walls. Behind the bars of the cages are hundreds of chinchillas, furry rodents originally from South America that are popular as household pets. But these animals, as reported by an undercover animal rights campaigner, are not being reared as pets - they are being farmed for their fur. They will be killed by electrocution before being skinned and their fur sold to fashion chains to make coats, such as the one that Madonna was seen in this week. A coat such as hers can sell for £35,000 and take up to 60 chinchilla pelts to make. But at what cost? Even by the standards of the fur-farming business, the treatment of the chinchillas is particularly cruel, according to an investigator from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (Peta). Its researcher managed to get access to the chinchilla farm in Michigan (much commercial chinchilla fur comes from America), and they claimed the animals are kept in breeder rooms where mothers are separated from their babies which are taken away to growing rooms. Inadequate diet, rough handling and neglect mean that the natural death rate among the caged animals is high. One in three generally perish before they are killed for their fur. Any chinchilla which has chewed its fur - a sign of stress - and has thus made its pelt unsuitable, is moved from the main row of cages into a lower rack, known as Death Row. There, the Peta investigator watched as the farmer sat in a wheeled office chair and moved along the row, reaching into the cages and killing the animals by wringing their necks. He would then throw the still twitching animal on the floor. I dont feel a thing, he said, I could do this all day. The animals whose fur will be used for commercial sale are killed by electrocution. The farmer fixes a wired clamp to the animals foot and another wire to a metal tag on its ear and then plugs the device into a wall socket. At another farm in California, a farmer faced cruelty charges after he was caught attaching the electric clamps to the chinchillas genitals. A chinchilla farmer who uses similar methods told an undercover Peta investigator that he left the clips on for one or two minutes to make sure the animals heart doesnt start up again, but sometimes animals revive in great pain and suffering. Officially, the animals should be stunned first but the farmer in Michigan said he couldnt see the point - so he just used the electric shock. The electric surge often fails to kill the animals instantly. Instead, they become immobilised and then suffer a heart attack. They are then pinned spread-eagled on a board and skinned. In some tragic cases, according to Peta, the animals are still alive and conscious when they are being skinned. The reason for the demand for chinchilla pelts is that, in purely practical terms, they make excellent fur coats. The chinchilla is a rather timorous and very endearing crepuscular (which means it comes out at dawn and dusk) rodent native to the Andes mountains of South America. The animals, which are the size of small rabbits and weigh up to 3 or 4lb, live in rock crevices, eat seeds and insects and are able to leap up to five feet in the air. They live in tribes of about 100 animals, and the females are bigger and more aggressive than the males. But it is their extraordinary fur which has brought them to the interest of humans. Chinchilla fur is considered to be the softest in the world, softer even than that of the legendary Tibetan antelope, which supplied the fur for the now-banned Shahtoosh shawl (it is banned because the antelope, an endangered species, must be killed for its fur rather than simply sheared). Chinchilla fur is 30 times finer and more flexible than human hair, and its softness comes from copious amounts of natural oils secreted by the animal. Because the hair is so thick (some quarter of a million hairs per square inch), and so oily, the animal faces a daily battle to keep its pelt from getting matted and filthy. In the wild, its regime consists of daily baths in volcanic ash to remove the moisture, oil and dirt that coats the hairs. Each chinchilla hair follicle will produce more than 50 hairs (a humans produces only one) and although the chinchilla has problems keeping its fur clean, it has no trouble from parasites. Fleas and other creatures cannot live in chinchilla fur because they would suffocate. Locals have been wearing chinchilla fur for centuries (the name comes from the Chincha people of the Andes) and it became prized by Spanish speaking colonists in the 18th and 19th centuries. It then began to be exported abroad. By 1900, wild chinchillas had become quite rare and breeding programmes were started in the U.S. and elsewhere. In the wild, chinchillas are always grey, but selective breeding has developed white, beige, ebony, and even violet and sapphire mutations. These are hugely desirable in the fur trade. The animals have become popular as pets. They are agile, intelligent and affectionate, although their fragile bones make them unsuitable for the rough and tumble of young children, say experts. They are studied by scientists thanks to their acute hearing which, in its frequency range is almost identical to that of humans. There is no doubt that chinchillas are sensitive animals. Veterinary experts recommend that they are given plenty of space to play, and that they appreciate time and space for their elaborate grooming procedures (which must include ground pumice or some other material which can act as a substitute for their natural volcanic ash). And it is their high-maintenance lifestyle which, campaigners claim, leads inevitably to cruelty in the farming of them. There is no doubt the fur trade has a lot of very dark and murky secrets about which it would prefer us to know as little as possible. For a start, there is still, incredibly, a market in the hides of endangered species, including Asian wild cats such as the tiger, which nearly everyone agrees is totally unacceptable, but even when the species in question is not endangered or is being farmed, activists say that the cruelty involved makes fur immoral. Many instances of horrific cruelty in fur farming have been well-documented. In China, perhaps the worlds major exporter of farmed pelts, workers have been filmed stunning dogs and other animals by smashing their heads against the floor. There is no doubt that animals are routinely skinned alive, an action of unspeakable horror. Fur is expensive and the profits can be huge. For the unscrupulous, it is a good way to make a living. But it is also possible to argue that wearing a chinchilla coat is little different to eating a bacon sandwich or indeed a leather jacket. It is odd that a furry hide seems to exercise the moral antennae of the animal rights brigade more than an animal skin which has been shorn. Perhaps this is because while fur equals high-class luxury in most eyes, leather is seen as something of an essential. The sad fact is that when it comes to the way we treat animals, most of us are only too happy to turn a blind eye when it suits us. It is quite possible that the 60 cute and furry chinchillas that gave their lives so that Madonna could make a style statement and stay warm were treated miserably before their deaths. We and she have no way of knowing. But it is equally possible that many, if not most, of the several million turkeys we shall tuck into this Christmas will have had lives, and deaths, which are a close approximation to hell on earth. Chinchillas are cute, furry and very endearing. This has won them many friends. To be fair, the likes of Peta do campaign for better conditions for battery birds and mistreated farm animals. But how many of us will give them as much thought as we do to the fate of the animals electrocuted to give Madonna her fancy fur coat?
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 09:13:33 +0000

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