Stuck in traffic at the lights today. Im at the lights in the - TopicsExpress


Stuck in traffic at the lights today. Im at the lights in the LewMobile. Stuck waiting for them to turn. Second car down. And not in CollegeTown. CollegeTown would never allow something like this to happen. Ten minutes waiting. I swear. Cars everywhere. Behind me for blocks as far as the eye can see. And on all the other three ways of a four way intersection. Honking horns. Frustrated pedestrians on the corner waiting for the walk signal. Nobody wanting to break the law. But...what to do? An elderly gentleman gets out of his car right behind mine. Impeccably dressed. Muttering a few choice words under his breath. Goes up to that little post thing where the pedestrian button is and looks at it. And then kicks the pole. Twice. Returns to his vehicle in back of me..smiling at me as he passed and says, Trust me. ....two seconds later....the lights turn green...I look in my rearview mirror...hes still smiling at me...but this time, I see his right index finger tapping his head in the universal smart sign. Incredible. You be the judge...would those lights have turned anyway? Was it all a coincidence? Or was it that old man who knew something that I didnt? As for myself, I choose to believe in the magic kick theory. ;)
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 18:28:07 +0000

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