Student Abu Remlah Adam Amreeki (hafidhahullaah) relayed the - TopicsExpress


Student Abu Remlah Adam Amreeki (hafidhahullaah) relayed the following scholarly advices: Shaikh Abu Muhammad Ahmad As-Subay’ee (hafidhahullaah) said: “Only strive in clinging to the Sunnah; even if all of mankind praised you, it would not increase you in anything with Allaah” “There is nothing equivalent to being guided to the Sunnah; it is the most tremendous blessing after Tawheed.” “Only strive in clinging to the Sunnah; even if all of mankind praised you, it would not increase you in anything with Allaah.” “From the evil effects of sins is that they weaken one’s ability to distinguish Truth from falsehood.” “If someone only speaks against those people whom have spoken against him first, then he’s not a sincere advisor.” “There’s NEVER been a single day that Jameeah IhyaaTuraath had ever been upon the Sunnah; it was founded upon other than Sunnah.” “Search for the Truth (الحق), like the searching of a frantic mother who lost her child (as Allaah said what means:) and those who strive for Our sake, we will surely guide them to Our paths. (Al-Ankabut, ayah 69) “The most tremendous way to purify the hearts: Cling to the Sunnah TRUTHFULLY, and recite the Qur`an with contemplation.”
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 07:48:49 +0000

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