Students Screams And Pelt Pres. Goodluck Jonathan, Gov. Fayose & - TopicsExpress


Students Screams And Pelt Pres. Goodluck Jonathan, Gov. Fayose & Others...This is a ruse, an eye witness account. By: Barr. Segun Ilori. This is an eye witness as i attended the summit. Am just leaving IFE Conference Centre Guest house where I slept till this morning .There was no unrest and all the propaganda of chasing Obas ,pelting stones on invited guests and President is a ruse. Dear All, the event was a success and it held for 2 hours under a very peaceful atmosphere. ODUDUWA hall was full to the brim!More so the students were holding their examination,and we all know that nothing holds down students from restiveness than exam.Even President JONATHAN acknowledged this in his remarks as only a handful of the union executives were in the hall . When the event was over, the students were just getting to know the President was right on their campus and many were excited I believe but the President held brief meetings with some leaders Fayose,Omisore,Chief Falae etc at the VIP room down stairs which lasted about 20 mins.Some of the students hall milled around the hall to catch a glimpse of the President.i was in company of HE Fayose, Arise, Hon Minister Adeyeye, prof Adeniran as we wanted to move before Mr Presidents convoy take over the area.(Take a look at the pix attached in earlier posting and see whether it showed any restiveness of students as we know it.) Yes HE Fayose wanted to talk to a group of students who blocked the road: their demand was that the President should address them , a very legitimate and friendly request I say,but it was too late as the convoy took the opposite direction to the School field for the President to fly in the helicopter.Many of the students and guests seeing the President off were then forced to scamper because of the dusts from the helicopters. The VC, our own Prof Omole, Hon Minister Adeyeye, Dr eddy Olafeso Provost of the Teaching hospital and my goodself still had over 45 min chat at the Conference centre after the President if there was crisis,would we be so relaxed or the VC would have the luxury of this relaxed chat. It was all kudos to the VC ,University authority and the indeed the students for a very excellent conduct and reception. Knowing the political atmosphere now prevailing,I indeed expected the opposition to spin some propaganda out of this obviously successful outing in the South West and that is it!
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 09:37:47 +0000

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