Study Of The Week - September 8, 2013 When we grow up in Babylon - TopicsExpress


Study Of The Week - September 8, 2013 When we grow up in Babylon (confusion), we speak confusion (double speak and mis-speak) and we are taught that the ways of Babylon are correct, (such as a 240 year old false name for MESSIAH YAHWAH having its roots in g-zeus, and Sunday worship, and christmas, and the tree) and we are told these lies by people we reverence and respect, then of course we will pervert truth in order to stay in good graces of the people we reverence and respect. You can not change truth for convenience sake. Truth does not change. MALACHI {MALAKIY} 3:6 For I am יהוהYAHWAH AND I CHANGE NOT... I have to believe what The Tora/Tanach says. That is my only compass for TRUTH. It is my plumb-line, my square, to make sure I am walking in THE TRUTH. There is no Tora/Tanach (Old Testament) scripture that can bear witness to the false name of jesus christ, that was given to The Savior by the catholic church. If you want to live in a fantasy world that the name of the savior was called by jesus christ, it is o.k. with me. The King James 1611 version Bible (you can buy it in any reputable christian bookstore) does not even have the name of jesus christ. That year of The King James 1611 version Bible you find the name of iesus christos. Another lie, but to put some honey on it for you we will call it a fantasy. My Hebrew Text states that The Name Of The Messiah would be called by THE SAME NAME AS THE FATHER, יהוהYAHWAH. WHEN IN BABYLON WE DO NOT LEARN THAT יהוהYAHWAH IS THE NAME OUR EL SHADDI {GOD ALMIGHTY}. Babylon teaches us that Moses, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob did not know THE NAME of their GOD {ELOHIM} as יהוהYAHWAH. They teach that EXODUS {SHEMOTH}6:3 is saying that Moses does not know THE NAME OF YAHWAH, but that Abraham and all the others knew HIM as God Almighty. They do not know how to study, they do not know that Hebrew grammar does not use a question {?} mark as we do in our language. But we see in EXODUS {SHEMOTH}6:1 Then יהוהYAHWAH said unto Moses, Now shalt thou see what I will do to Pharaoh: for with a strong hand shall he let them go, and with a strong hand shall he drive them out of his land. In Verse # 1 we see that YAHWAH is speaking to Moses, not someone with the descriptive “title” of God Almighty. Also no one by the names of jesus, iesus, isus, joshus, yeshua, yashua, yahoshua or a yahushua is noted here, only THE NAME OF YAHWAH. {2} And GOD {ELOHIM} spake unto Moses, and said unto him, I am יהוה{YAHWAH}: In Verse # 2 GOD {ELOHIM} identifies HIMSELF by HIS NAME in the following statement; “I am יהוה ” {pronounced as YAHWAH in all languages} {3} And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by THE NAME OF God Almighty, but by MY NAME יהוהYAHWAH was I not known to them? In Verse # 3 יהוה{YAHWAH} HE identified HIMSELF as the God Almighty. Then יהוה{YAHWAH} “ironically” says “but by MY NAME יהוהYAHWAH was I not known to them? {7} And I will take you to me for a people, and I will be to you a GOD {ELOHIM}: and ye shall know that I am יהוה{YAHWAH} your GOD {ELOHIM}, which bringeth you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians. {8} And I will bring you in unto the land, concerning the which I did swear to give it to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob; and I will give it you for an heritage: I am יהוהYAHWAH. In Verses # 7 & 8 יהוה restates the following about HIS NAME:{7} ye shall know that I am יהוה{YAHWAH} your GOD {ELOHIM} & {8} I am יהוהYAHWAH. But these people that live in an ‘ALTERNATE WORLD” say that the “patriarchs” did not know THE NAME OF their GOD {ELOHIM}. On top of that they will say you are a “heritic” if you do not believe as they do. Let us have “THE TANACK” talk to us, and let us “reverence”, “respect” and “fear” what “TANACK” has to tell us, that we would believe it and hide it in our heart so as not to sin against יהוהYAHWAH. GENESIS {BERESHIYTH} 17:1 And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, יהוהYAHWAH appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am The Almighty God (The El Shaddi); walk before Me, and be thou perfect. (2) And I will make My covenant between Me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly. TORA/TANACK tells us in Verse # 1 that the “SPEAKER” is “identified” as none other than יהוהYAHWAH and that HE appeared and spoke to Abraham. GENESIS {BERESHIYTH} 12:7 And יהוהYAHWAH appeared unto Abram, and said, Unto thy seed will I give this land: and there builded he an altar unto יהוהYAHWAH, Who appeared unto him. (8) And he removed from thence unto a mountain on the east of Bethel, and pitched his tent, having Bethel on the west, and Hai on the east: and there he builded an altar unto יהוהYAHWAH, and Called upon THE NAME OF יהוהYAHWAH. TORA/TANACK tells us in Verse # 7 that Abraham knew יהוהYAHWAH personally and called ON HIS NAME and made an altar to יהוהYAHWAH. This teaching of TANACK is “refused” by “most Christians & many Messianics. This is either “willfull ignorance” or just plain “ignorance” on their part and they fall into error or herecy. We need to feel love and compassion for them, but at the same time to show them there “error”. GENESIS {BERESHIYTH} 13:4 Unto the place of the altar, which he had make there at the first: and there Abram called on THE NAME OF יהוהYAHWAH. (18) Then Abram removed his tent, and came and dwelt in the plain of Mamre, which is in Hebron, and built there an altar unto יהוהYAHWAH. TORA/TANACK tells us in Verse # 4 that Abraham knew יהוהYAHWAH personally and called ON HIS NAME and made an altar to יהוהYAHWAH. Again, this teaching of TANACK is “refused” by “most Christians & many Messianics. GENESIS {BERESHIYTH} 15:6 And he believed in יהוהYAHWAH; and HE counted it to him for righteousness. (7) And HE said unto him, I am יהוהYAHWAH that brought thee out of Ur of the Chaldees, to give thee this land to inherit it. (8) And he said, יהוהYAHWAH ELOHIM, whereby shall I know that I shall inherit it? Again “TRUTH OF TANACK” prevails against “human, replacement, fluffy, feel-good theology”. They continue to say that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob did not know יהוהYAHWAH by HIS NAME. Who would you prefer to “believe”, “THE TANACK” or “the human, replacement, fluffy, feel-good theologian”? Even Hagar knew יהוהYAHWAH and called ON HIS NAME. GENESIS {BERESHIYTH} 16:13 And she (Hagar) Called THE NAME OF יהוהYAHWAH that spake unto her, Thou ELOHIM seest me: for she said, Have I also here looked after him that seeth me? CHOOSE THIS DAY WHOM TO BELIEVE “TANACK” OR “the human, replacement, fluffy, feel-good theologian”.
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 16:50:30 +0000

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