Study notes Mark 13 Verse 1-4ff The desciples wanted to know - TopicsExpress


Study notes Mark 13 Verse 1-4ff The desciples wanted to know when the temple would be destroyed.Jesus gave them a prophetic picture of that time,including events leading up to it.He also talked about future events connected to jis return to earth to judgde all people.Jesus predicted both near and distant events without putting them in chronological order. Some of the disciples lived to see the destruction of Jerusalem in AD70.This event would assure them that everything else Jesus predicted would also happens Jesus warned his followers about the future so that they could learn how to live in the present. Many predictions Jesus made in this passage had not yet been fulfilled.He did not make them so that we will guess when they might be fulfilled,but to help us remain spiritually alert and prepared at all times as we wait for his return. Verse 5-7 Jesus predicted that before his return,many believers would be misled by false teachers claiming to have revelations from God. According to scripture,the one clear sign of Christs return would be his unmistakable appearance in the clouds,which will be seen by all people(vs 13,Revelation 1 vs 7).In other words you do not have to wonder whether a certain person is the Messiah or whether these are the end times. When Jesus returns,u will know beyond a doubt,because it will be evident to all true believers.Beware of groups who claim special knowledge of the last days,because no one knows when that time will be.Be cautious about sayin “This is it!“ but be bold in your total commitment to have your life and heart ready for Christs return. Verse 9-10 As the early church began to grow,most of the disciples experienced the kind of persecution Jesus was talking about.Since the time of Christ,christians have been persecuted in their own lands and on foreign mission fields. Though you may be safe from persecution now,your vision of Gods kingdom must not be limited by what happens only to you.Persecutions are an opportunity for christians to witness for Christ to those opposed to him.These persecutions save Gods desire that the gospel be proclaimed to everyone. Verse 11 Jesus did not imply that studying the Bible or gaining knoeledge is useless or wrong.But Jesus was teaching the kind of attitude we should have when we must take a stand for the gospel.We dont have to be fearful or defensive about our faith because the holy spirit will be present to give us the right words to say. Verse 13 To believe in Jesus and stand firm to the end will take perseverance because our faith will be challenged and opposed.Severe triumphs will sift true christians from fair weather believers.The assurance of our salvation will keep us going through the times of persecution. Verse 22-23 Is it possible for christians to be deceived? Yes.So convincing will be the arguments and proofs of deceivers in the end times that it will be difficult not to fall away from Christ.If we are prepared,Jesus says,we can remain faithful.To penetrate the disguises of false teachers we can ask 1. have their predictions come true or they have to fit whats already happens? 2.Does any teaching utilise a small section of the Bible to the neglect of the whole? 3.Does the teachin contradict what the Bible says about God? 4.Are the practises meant to glorify the teacher of Christ? 5.Do the teachings promote hostility towards other christians? Verse 31 In Jesus day the world seemed concrete,dependable and permanent.These days people fear its destruction by nuclear wars.God and his word provide the only stability in our unstable world. Verse 32 The emphasis of this verse is not on Jesuss lack of knowledge but rather on the fact that no one knows,no one can predict by scripture or signs the exact day of Christs return.Jesus is teaching that preparation not calculation is needed. Verse 33-34 Months of planning go into a wedding,the birth of a baby,a career change, a speaking engagement,the purchase of a home.Do you place the same importance on Christs return,the most important event in your life? Its results will last for eternity,the way to prepare is to study Gods word and to live by its instructions everyday. Only then will you be ready. God Bless🙏
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 07:01:32 +0000

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