Study of the U.S. Institute for Student Leaders for Scholars Six - TopicsExpress


Study of the U.S. Institute for Student Leaders for Scholars Six Week Academic Training Program in the US APPLICATIONS DUE TO [email protected] by December 30, 2014 The Study of the United States Institute (SUSI) provides intensive post-graduate level academic programs with integrated study tours whose purpose is to provide foreign university faculty and other scholars the opportunity to deepen their understanding of American society, culture, and institutions. The ultimate goal is to strengthen curricula and to improve the quality of teaching about the United States in academic institutions abroad. The institutes will take place at various colleges and universities throughout the United States over the course of six weeks beginning in June 2014. Please note that the Study of US institute offers six different topics; 1- The Institute on American Politics and Political Thought: This program provides a multinational group of 18 foreign university faculty with a deeper understanding of U.S. political institutions and major currents in American political thought. The institute will provide the participants insight into how intellectual and political movements have influenced modern American political institutions. The institute will provide an overview of political thought during the founding period (constitutional foundations), and the development and current functioning of the American presidency, Congress and the federal judiciary. The examination of political institutions will include the electoral system, political parties and interest groups, the civil service system, media and think tanks, and the welfare/regulatory state. The institute will address modern political and cultural issues in the United States (including but not limited to civil rights, womens rights, immigration, etc.) and the significance of public discourse in the formulation of public policy. 2- The Institute on Contemporary American Literature: This program provides a multinational group of up to 18 foreign university faculty and scholars with a deeper understanding of U.S. society and culture, past and present, through an examination of contemporary American literature. Its purpose is to explore contemporary American writers and writing in a variety genres; and to suggest how the themes explored in those works reflect larger currents within contemporary American society and culture. The program will explore the diversity of the American literary landscape, examining how major contemporary writers, schools and movements reflect the traditions of the American literary canon. At the same time, the program will expose participants to writers who represent a departure from that tradition, and who are establishing new directions for American literature. 3- The Institute on Journalism and Media: This program provides a multinational group of 18 journalism faculty and other related specialists with a deeper understanding of the role of journalism and the media in U.S. society. It will examine major topics in journalism, including the concept of a free press. First Amendment rights, and the medias relationship to the public interest. The legal and ethical questions inherent in journalistic endeavors will be incorporated into every aspect of the institute. The institute will cover strategies for teaching students of journalism the basics of the tradecraft: researching, reporting, writing, and editing. The program will also highlight technologys impact on journalism, addressing the influence of the internet, the globalization of the news media, the growth of satellite television and radio networks, and other advances in media that are transforming the profession. The institute will likely take place at Ohio University. 4- The Institute on Religious Pluralism in the United States: This program provides a multinational group of up to 18 foreign university faculty and practitioners with a deeper understanding of U.S. society and culture, past and present, through an examination of religious pluralism in the United States and its intersection with American democracy. Employing a multi-disciplinary approach, drawing on fields such as history, political science, sociology, anthropology, law and others where appropriate, the program will explore both the historical and contemporary relationship between church and state in the United States. Participants will examine the following aspects of religious pluralism in the United States: the ways in which religious thought and practice have influenced, and been influenced by, the development of American-style democracy; the intersections of religion and politics in the United States in such areas as elections, public policy, and foreign policy; and the sociology and demography of religion in the United States today, including a survey of the diversity of contemporary religious beliefs and its impact on American politics. 5- The Institute on U.S. Culture and Society: This program provides a multinational group of 18 experienced and highly-motivated foreign university faculty and other specialists with a deeper understanding of U.S. society, culture, values, and institutions. The Institute will examine the ethnic, racial, economic, political, and religious contexts in which various cultures have manifested themselves in U.S. society, and the ways in which these cultures have influenced both social movements and historical epochs throughout U.S. history. The program will draw from a diverse disciplinary base, and will itself provide a model of how a foreign university might approach the study of U.S. culture and society. The institute will take place at New York University. 6- The Institute on U.S. Foreign Policy: This program provides a multinational group of 18 foreign university faculty and practitioners with a deeper understanding of how U.S. foreign policy is formulated and implemented with an emphasis on the post Cold War period. This institute will begin with a review of the historical development of U.S. foreign policy and cover significant events, individuals, and philosophies that have dominated U.S. foreign policy. In addition, the institute will explain the role of key players in the field of foreign policy, including the executive and legislative branches, the media, public opinion, think-tanks, non-governmental and international organizations and how these players debate, cooperate, influence policy, and are held accountable. Posts and prospective applicants are encouraged to visit our website to obtain general information about the Institutes. The website address is: Candidate Description and Qualifications: * Candidates should be mid-career, typically between the ages of 30-50, highly-motivated and experienced professionals generally from higher education or research focused organizations (not-for profits, think tanks, etc.). While the educational level of participants will likely vary, most should have graduate degrees and have substantial knowledge of the thematic area of the Institute. * Candidates should have graduate degree and have substantial knowledge of the thematic area of the institute or a related field. The ideal candidate will also be an experienced professional with little or no prior experience in the United States, whose home institution is seeking to introduce aspects of U.S. studies into its curricula, to develop new courses in the subject of the institute, to enhance and update existing courses on the United States, or to offer specialized seminars/workshops for professionals in U.S. studies areas related to the program theme. * Candidates should be willing and able to fully take part in an intensive post-graduate level academic program and study tour, and who are likely to be comfortable with campus life and an active program schedule. * Candidates must demonstrate excellent English speaking, reading, writing and comprehension skills; The U.S. Department of State will cover all expenses for participating in this program, including housing and meals; program administration; international travel, domestic travel and ground transportation; accident and sickness insurance (pre-existing conditions not covered); and incidental allowances covering cultural excursions, course materials, and communication. Please complete the application form and all requirements and submit to [email protected] by December 30, 2014 to apply to this program.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 14:13:38 +0000

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