Sub Ek ॐ ♥ राम राम ♥ ॐ Maharajji honored - TopicsExpress


Sub Ek ॐ ♥ राम राम ♥ ॐ Maharajji honored purity of spirit, no matter what the tradition or lineage. He kept drawing us back from our concerns about individual differences, back beyond the forms, with his oft-reiterated remark, “Sub Ek [All one]!” *** Maharajji once went to Catholic mass and took prasad there. Maharajji, T, and BD were all in Lucknow on Christmas morning and decided to go to Jesus’ puja. As they approached the church, Maharajji had BD go in first (as he was a Westerner). Maharajji was of course barefoot, wearing his blanket and dhoti. BD knelt down before the font of holy water and someone there sprinkled water on his head. T and Maharajji followed this example. They attended the ceremony, and when time came for Communion, they received the Sacrament in their hands. *** A Moslem devotee invited Maharajji to attend a religious festival at his home. The whole family and many of their friends gathered together to sing Sufi songs and to hear readings from the Koran. Many Moslem mullahs (priests) and scholars attended the festival to perform the rituals and read the scriptures. When Maharajji arrived, the devotee escorted him to the place of honor in front of the scholars. They immediately ceased their singing and complained to the host. They said that they couldnt continue the rituals in the presence of a Hindu. Maharajji verbally abused them for their prejudice and narrow-mindedness. He quoted from the Koran and from some great Sufi poet-saints on the oneness of all religions. Maharajji asked for some prasad. When it was brought he distributed food, sweets, and money to the scholars. Happy again, they started their chanting. Maharajji accompanied them for many hours, singing “La II Aha El II Allah Hu .” from Ram Dass, ed., “Miracle of Love,” pp. 354-355. *** Many times we’d be sitting with Maharaj-ji, and he’d look at us and hold up one finger, as if he were calling us out on something. We knew that he knew everything – past, present, and future – so we couldn’t imagine what we were getting busted for. Was it something we did, were doing, or were going to do? So one day someone just up and asked, “Maharaj-ji, what does it mean when you do that?” By way of explanation, he looked at us intensely and held up his ‘pointer’ finger in front of us. Then he held up all five fingers, one by one, shook them around and held up that one finger again. He said, “Many names, many forms … sab ek, all One.” from Krishna Das, “Chants of a Lifetime,” pp. 164-165. *** ALL RELIGIONS ARE THE SAME. THEY ALL LEAD TO GOD. GOD IS EVERYBODY . . . THE SAME BLOOD FLOWS THROUGH US ALL, THE ARMS, THE LEG, THE HEART, ALL ARE THE SAME. SEE NO DIFFERENCE, SEE ALL THE SAME … IT IS DECEPTION TO TEACH BY INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES AND KARMA. SEE ALL THE SAME ... YOU CANT REALIZE GOD IF YOU SEE DIFFERENCES. LEARN TO FIND THE LOVE WITHIN. -- Maharajji YOU MUST HONOR SHIVA THROUGH LOVE. RAM AND SHIVA ARE THE SAME. RAM WORSHIPPED SHIVA, SHIVA WORSHIPPED RAM, THEY ARE ONLY ONE. – Maharajji THE BEST FORM IS TO WORSHIP GOD IN EVERY FORM. -- Maharajji YOU MUST ACCEPT EVERYONE AND SEE IN THEM THE LORD. THERE IS NO OTHER NEED FOR A SAINT. -- Maharajji EVERYONE IS A REFLECTION OF MY FACE. -- Maharajji
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 11:26:51 +0000

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