Sub-standard roads exposed in Kendrapara TNN | Jul 30, 2013, 02.30 - TopicsExpress


Sub-standard roads exposed in Kendrapara TNN | Jul 30, 2013, 02.30 PM IST KENDRAPARA: The recent heavy rain exposed the sub-standard roadworks executed by road and building department and civic authorities in Kendrapara town. Even many roads, which were repaired recently, are replete with potholes and commuters have a tough time negotiating them, said Manoj Satapathy, a local. Many roads remained waterlogged for days due to an obsolete sewerage system, leading to traffic snarls. The crumbling infrastructure in the town speaks volumes about the sorry state of affairs, said Swadhin Dash of Baamangala village. Loose soil and broken stones were dumped into potholes and they came off after rain blitz, said denizens. Open drains and mushrooming unauthorized structures have also made lives of people miserable. Drainage has been a main problem in the business hub of the district for last two decades. The civic authorities are yet to lay underground sewer lines in the town, said official sources. Even a drizzle lead to waterlogging at Jayapura, Ranapada, Dilarpur ,Mahipala, Icchapur, Talabaranga, Mirapatana and other areas. Low-lying areas like Ranapada, Fakirabad and Tinimuhani bear the brunt of showers. Chairman of Kendrapara municipality Dhirendra Sahoo said, "We are repairing all the roads and potholes in a phased manner. All the encroachers will be evicted soon." timesofindia.indiatimes/city/bhubaneswar/Sub-standard-roads-exposed-in-Kendrapara/articleshow/21482634.cms
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 18:01:54 +0000

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