SubhanAllah. Amongst the daily destruction in Syria, the - TopicsExpress


SubhanAllah. Amongst the daily destruction in Syria, the difficulties and perils of the aid work/workers in a war zone, the excruciating heat, the reports from Gaza, the lack of everything from water to electricity to gas, sometimes things happen, which just makes one forget about all the hardships. About a week ago I was covering the Al Fatiha Global campaign in Jebel Akrad, Latakia. The two boys in the first picture approached the team of aid workers who were moving the food parcels from a storage warehouse and loading them on to a delivery vehicle. At the time my camera battery was pretty much completely depleted so instead of filming I decided to help moving the boxes. The boy on the left came to me and said Uncle I want to help I said to him, These boxes are heavier then you. I wouldnt let my son carry them why would I let you? He responded with If I were your son, I would carry them most definitely. I would never let my father work while I rest. Surprised by his response I told him the boxes weigh almost 35 kilos, it is midday and the heat is searing. He said Uncle its Ramadhan and your fasting please let us do it. I will get my friend to help me Amazed with his concern I said, okay. As they began to lift the boxes, I went to a nearby shop to buy them some drinks and candy, when I returned the boxes had all been loaded. The boys had lifted almost 15 by themselves. When I went to give them their drinks both the boy looked up at me with smirks. As I tried to open one of the bottles, they both shouted, No no no, dont open them, we will have it later. Why I asked? They said because we are fasting. I said to them both sternly, You told me you were not fasting thats thebonlybreason inlet you do it! He said No, I said, you are fasting uncle, let us do it, you assumed we were not, As he said that I went to give them some money as a gift for their efforts, to which both of them swiftly answered. It is Ramadhan we helped for the Ajjar Amo (Uncle). SubhanAllah. Made my day. Future generation of Bilad al Sham. Something we all need to invest in Bi ithnillah.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 21:32:18 +0000

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