Subject: New Innovative Educational Concept I am reproducing a - TopicsExpress


Subject: New Innovative Educational Concept I am reproducing a letter addressed to the Ministry of Education, School Education for favour of kind information of the general public at large. Despite the fact that I have done a lot of groundwork in this behalf, I am unable to proceed further in the matter on account of my financial deficiency. I am planning to send the same to Shri Amir Khan for obtaining his consent to take this concep to the public at large:- Yours Sincerely T.H. Sree Rama Project Founder & Managing Trusee Global Institution for Skills & Careers 919866497168 dated;23rd March, 2014 From papecrats@gmail Dated: 23rd March, 2014 To [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], coordee1@gmail, [email protected], [email protected], ssaee17@gmail,, [email protected], [email protected],,,,, [email protected] Respected Sirs, Sub: Induction of the Concept of Functional Education right from the level of Secondary Education followed by the induction of Basic Employability Skills – Self Employment Skills – Para Legal Volunteer-ship Skills & Para Social Volunteer- ship Skills thereby taking care of their either Employment or Self Employment depending upon their choice – Proposal – Regarding Ref: Web site: india.1worldschool With due respects to your good selves, I would like to introduce myself as Mr. T.H. Sree Rama, residing at Flat No.18-33-6, First Floor, Mak Towers, Zahid Nagar, Street No.2, Opp. Survey of India, Uppal Road, Hyderabad – 500 039, Andhra Pradesh. 2. Kindly visit our website: india.1worldschool and click on the icon: About India Virtual School on the left hand side, where after your good selves shall be taken to the detailed description of my dedication to the cause of the community. 3. I tried my level best to take up the matter with the National Institution of Open Schooling, NOIDA with copies to all its regional offices, which proved to be futile, especially in view of the present system of arbitrariness prevailing in many sectors of Government as well as private enterprises. 4. Two years back, I could get at Dr. Diana Muir, the Chief of World Virtual School, State of Illinois, USA and after due interaction, she was so much pleased as to offer me the following official positions:- Director of Content Development ; - Director of Central Asia Virtual School – Chief Administrator for India Virtual School – Bhutan Virtual School – Nepal Virtual School – Maldives Virtual School; 6. World Virtual School has been recognized to be an expert Universal Organization dedicated to the field of Virtual Education and Dr. Diana Muir herself carries a lot of awards in her favour for her great contributions to the field of education. 7. They have designed Educational content to be delivered through Virtual Education leading to the award of American Diplomas of One Year Duration – High School Diploma – Intermediate Diploma – Graduation Diploma. 8. I had suggested the induction of One Year Foundation Courses leading to the induction of Excellence in English – Computer fundamentals and Internet Operation to the candidates seeking admission ( just with 7th Standard English Medium qualification). It was also accepted. 9. I had also suggested the induction of Basic Employability Skills – Self Employment Skills – Para Legal Volunteer-ship & Para Social Volunteer-ship Skills during the latter periods of their education after completing One Year Foundation Course, so that they could be suitably self employed with an initial investment of Rs.20000/- towards a Computer system with internet connection thereafter ensuring the daily minimum income of Rs.1000/-. 10. This suggestion was also very much welcome and accepted to be got run concurrently and completed by the time the candidates could be getting American Graduation Diploma. 11. Initially the fees suggested by her was $200 -$400 & $600 respectively for American High School/ Intermediate/ Graduation Diplomas. With my due and diligent interaction, it was brought down to Rs.5000/- - Rs.7,500/- & Rs.10000/- respectively. 12. Initial remuneration offered by her was just 10% of the Course Fee as Royalty. After having an in-depth study of my contributions, she got it increased to 50% in addition to the offer of marketing our courses of study abroad against the courses designed by us. 13. The modus operandi is so simple. Once the candidate deposits the fees into the bank account of our organization, 50% of the course fee shall be got remitted to the account of World Virtual School. There after WVS shall be passing on the Used ID and Password to the candidate so admitted so that he can attend to any internet centre – get at the website of WVS and go ahead with the study through interaction with the Lecturer concerned through online. 14. I had requested her to grant initial budget of Rs.2,00,000/- to be followed by monthly budget of Rs.40,000/- to take care of the initial expenditure and consequent monthly expenditure till such time we start getting the candidates admitted and we start registering earnings. This proposal was also accepted and communicated as such. 15. During such interaction, I desired get the authenticity of WVS checked up with the Department of School Education, Government of USA inviting their reference to their World Virtual School Project, where after, I was informed that it was purely the USA Government Project and there were no private players. 16. After bringing this information to the notice of Dr. Diana Muir along with my advice in such behalf, she got the name of the Institution changed as One World School, the details of which your good selves could get at are as follows:-Diana.1worldschool & india.1worldschool 17. Present Position is that she could not release the funds so far. At the same time being a retired employee getting no pension despite the fact that I retired from Central Warehousing Corporation, a Central Public Sector Undertaking, I could not give a shape of reality to my project up til now. Yesterday out of the moments of depressions, I had even communicated to Dr. Diana Muir about my cutting of my links with One World School, USA because of the inordinate delay in the release of funds. 18. Innovative Educational Concept: “English” has been defined by me as follows:- Essential for National & Global Linguistic Interaction for Serving Humanity. It has been found to be very much essential to possess excellence in English if any candidate is interested in obtaining Employment or Self Employment. Our One Year Foundation Courses shall be taking care of induction of excellence in English – Computers & Internet operation skills based on our Functional Education approach. Then coming to the material content of School Education or College education, somehow, I could not satisfy with the same. According to me, any system of education should lead to the induction of due knowledge and skills for taking care of one self, his/her body, his/her family, neighbor-hood, Society and ultimately the Universe. I have divided the human life into 5 phases:- Upto the age 20 years –Concentration on “ Me & My Body” A20 upto 30 – Concentration on “Me & My Family” A30 upto 40 – Concentration on “Me & my Neighbour-hood” A40 upto 50 – Concentration on”Me & My Universe” After attaining 50 years, man or woman shall be awaiting the final call from Lord Almighty gazing at the sky. What is required at each stage is that:- What are the body parts – How they are functioning – How to take care of one’s body – what to eat and what not to eat – How digestion takes place – How liver functions – How kidneys functions and so on and so forth – what are the possible obstructions with regard to health and how to take care of such situations. Then what is family – bond of affection towards each other – responsibilities of the head of the family and the mother – individual and collective responsibilities – maintenance of human relations – how to cope up with the costs of maintenance – education – employment etc., Then how to maintain your relations with your neighbours – society as a whole How to Protect your Universe and balance of nature. This is what that is required through education so that each can lead a simple, peaceful and purposeful life coming to the rescue of each other and simultaneously maintaining the balance of nature. Am I not Correct? Can’t we work out in this direction? What ever knowledge incorporated in the text books with due diligence and presentation skills can be got covered under the above 5 charts and lessons can be got prepared and delivered with the sole purpose of induction of due application of mind in leading one’s life, which is the ultimate requirement of any educational system. With the above background, I request your good self to kindly consider my following requests followed by requirements:- a) I require the allotment of around 1000 sq.yards of land for coming out with a Gurukulam type of environment matching those of the olden days, where much emphasis stood laid on discipline and maintenance of human relations and leading a life without causing inconvenience to others b) I require funding for this project. c) The project can be launched by Government of India, Ministry of Education and I shall be very happy to be part and parcel of such a project. With the above background, could I expect any response from Government of India< Yours Sincerely For Global Institution for Skills & Careers (earlier name: Pre & Post Employment Counseling, Research & Training Services Enlisted on the List of NGOs reflected on the India Planning Commission Site) T.H. Sree Rama Project Founder & Managing Trustee thsreerama@yahoo sthumakunta@yahoo papecrats@gmail thumakuntas@gmail Dated:23rd March, 2014
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 06:48:25 +0000

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