Subject: Suffering Please share with others that it is a joy to - TopicsExpress


Subject: Suffering Please share with others that it is a joy to suffer for Christs sake. Instead of running to the world system for our solutions, God has provided everything and every answer in the Word of God, but we must be willing to follow the pattern and our pattern is the Apostle Paul in the Dispensation of Grace. Paul said follow me as I follow Christ. The apostle Paul discusses sufferings. There are 3 areas of sufferings 1. The sufferings of the present time; 2. The sufferings of Christ, and 3. Sufferings from our own stupidity or lack of intelligence. Sufferings of this present time Romans 8:18 is sufferings from living in a sin cursed world that has a bondage of corruption operating in it. Sickness, accidents, and being victims of crime are some of the sufferings of this present time. Any of these sufferings can take place because we live in a sin cursed world. We live in a ungodly world with a bondage of corruption associated with it. Romans 8: 18-39 gives doctrine to endure these sufferings we cannot avoid. We dont have to lose our mind or go crazy when these sufferings start taking place, we can handle them with the Words of God. Romans 8:18-39 is Tranquility for our souls. Sufferings for Christ: In 1st Cor 4: 8-17, Apostle Paul is talking about how the Corinthians were avoiding the sufferings of Christ. The same thing today, many avoid the sufferings of Christ by adjusting the message, watering down the message or adjusting their lifestyles. The sufferings of Christ, we can avoid them but we shouldnt. We experience the sufferings of Christ because of the Satanic policy that is against us as members of the body of Christ. If Christ the Head of the Body was persecuted, what should we expect as members of the Body? We avoid the sufferings of Christ by refusing to act like who we are in Christ and the adversary will gladly leave us alone. We will experience the sufferings of Christ the moment we start conducting ourselves like the Apostle Paul. Once we become that fool for Christs sake, then we come under the policy of evil. The Lord told Ananias in Acts 9:15-16that Paul was a chosen vessel and in that he must suffer for Christs sake. Sufferings from our own stupidity or lack of intelligence: Apostle Paul in 1st Cor7:25-28, Paul is writing about the issue of trouble in the flesh with the Corithians, Apostle Paul says at this time the present distress that is among you, it is not wise for you to get married, until that present distress no longer exist. Paul says I counseled you dont get married. Paul says that is just my advice, but its up to you if you want to go ahead and do that. Paul says if you marry, you havent sinned, but you have ignored my advice. My advice is to make it that you dont have trouble in the flesh in your marriage, but if you are stupid enough to ignore my advice and you get that trouble in the flesh, its your own fault. Apostle Paul is saying those sufferings are from your own stupidity. I have many testimonies about sufferings from my own stupidity (its like the old folks use to tell me, a hard head makes a soft behind). In 1st Tim chp 6, Paul is giving warnings to pastors about being greedy and if they want to be rich, they are going to fall into a snare, temptations and are going to pierce themselves through with many sorrows. We cant blame God or say the devil made me do it. Paul teaches 2 significant body of doctrines about sufferings 1. We must be willing to experience sufferings 1st Cor4 8-17 2. How to handle sufferings as they are occurring 2nd Cor 1:3-7 and Phillipians Chp 2 vs 12-15 1st Corinthians teaches us how to be willing to experience suffering and 2nd Corinthians comes along and teaches us how to endure sufferings, Eventually we get to Philippians and we say I want the sufferings of Christ and we rejoice in them. Philippians 3:10 takes us beyond enduring sufferrings and beyond taking pleasures in sufferings. We want the fellowship of His sufferings. I am willing to die, I rejoice. Christs suffering brings us into a deeper and more meaningful relation with him. As we go through Romans through Philemon, we are given a body of doctrine to handle the sufferings. My brothers and sisters we should be willing to suffer for Christs sake. Apostle Paul said follow me as I follow Christ. In this life if we are willing to suffer, we are going to experience trials and tribulations. God doesnt shield us from personal tribulations in life because if He did, we would never get to know Him as the father of mercy and the God of Comfort (2nd Cor : 3-4). God has already equipped us in Romans to be more than conquerors in our life. Phillipians 4:5-7 God will keep our inner man together, so we dont fall apart a the seams. God lets us know that the outward man is perishing, but the inner man is renewed day by day (2nd Cor 4:16-17). Now we can see why Paul called Luke the beloved physician not just for a great honoring title, but Paul loved Luke, because Paul needed a physician and God provided Luke. As many beatings that Paul took (suffering for Christ) he needed a physician (2nd Cor 11:24-28). Paul was also aging, he was growing old. His outward man was perishing. In 1st Tim 5:23, Timothy had stomach problems, Paul said use a little wine (No healing program) follow the doctors orders. 2nd Tim 4:20, Apostle Paul tells us that we will come to the point in life when medicine will no longer work. Paul said I had to leave Trophimus at Miletus sick. Eventually my brothers and sisters, physician treatments will no longer work and we will die but while we are going through, our inner man can handle it and glorify God through it all. My brothers and sisters rejoice in your sufferings and your tribulations. Remember what Paul said in 2nd Cor 4:17 FOR OUR LIGHT AFFLICTION, WHICH IS BUT FOR A MOMENT, WORKETH FOR US A FAR MORE EXCEEDING AND ETERNAL WEIGHT OF GLORY. Brother Timothy Roberson By The Grace of God Church Pastor and Teacher
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 02:18:02 +0000

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