Subject: The Wave Becomes a Particle through observation. Quantum - TopicsExpress


Subject: The Wave Becomes a Particle through observation. Quantum Physics and Consciousness. When I was in High School I stayed away from Chemistry/Physics/Maths because I felt that my intelligence wasnt up for that kind of information. In the same way that the majority of people I meet - the moment I mention Quantum Physics and begin to explain how we create our reality through consciousness - the wave become a particle through observation theory I feel that I have lost them. If you want to believe that you have the power to create reality you must do everything in your power to learn know this FACT of creation today! You are intelligent enough. Dont switch off like I did when I was in my teens. This is of tremendous importance to you. This will give you faith in life, creation and in your own power as a vehicle of creation. So I was up reading and studying this morning and contemplating Project Sam and its relevance in my work and teaching with my clients and was listening to one of my audios on the subject when the speaker said - The wave becomes a particle through observation. I knew what it meant but the pin dropped and I asked myself How conscious are you Anastasia of this reality. I mean you know it like the back of your hand but are you living it daily or is it just some theory that makes sense? If we are going to make progress here and evolve our consciousness and intelligence it has to be much more than just a great and exciting theory- it has to be applied daily. Life and events often take us by surprise and provoke our consciousness into fearful thoughts and emotions. This is the observation part. If we focus on these fears and frustrations we merely produce more of those particles and experiences - the subject of matter and experience. We create more of that kind of experience. Let me give you an example. I developed quite a serious condition or allergy around my eyes while in Australia. It was stress or fear related. The sensation was to scratch it. The more I thought about it the more I scratched my eyes and aggravated the condition. When it became unbearable and I woke up one morning looking like the elephant man and did not recognize the person in the mirror that voice said Enough is enough... sit down Anastasia and find out what thoughts in your life or about your life which are not comfortable are irritating you? So I did and sat down to examine my thoughts - for the thoughts were leading my body - my matter to make more of this matter or condition. Making some realizations the condition improved. Because my thoughts improved! Now project Sam - a study and application and development of consciousness and intelligence is designed to cultivate or create a specific FIT consciousness and in thereby doing that - exercising the brain or mind muscles of our organism we are developing a new level of mind, self and personality. Whenever I feel challenged I take out Sam and practice Sam and this switches my focus and attention and then I begin to create a new experience in my consciousness. I change my consciousness! We go to the gym to get a fit and functional and able body. We go to SAM to develop a fit and super able mind!!! On that note.... Happy Sunday and if you should wish to take part in Sam and take responsibility for your evolving intelligence then do get in touch. You see either consciousness is gong to evolve and develop randomly according to the events and details and trials and tribulations of our lives.... or we are going to use the wonderful information offered and available to us now through the field of Quantum Science and Law and cultivate and develop our intelligence with INTENTION and self-discipline. anastasiamymentor Good Morning. Happy Sunday.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 08:52:27 +0000

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