Submitted by: Anonymous Id thought I share this story today, - TopicsExpress


Submitted by: Anonymous Id thought I share this story today, before I forget it~ So today we decided to make eggrolls and my grandma (a shaman) was helping us make/fold the eggrolls. My dad and mom was cooking the eggrolls while me and my grandma were making the eggroll, and they had a argument about religion. My dad was talking how he was ashamed of Hmong people reverting to Christianity and not keeping the hmong culture, and how they didnt know how to do the culture / lazy and only reason why they reverted. My mom was telling him to try and say it out loud infront of relatives he know is Christianity and try to tell that to them. My dad just continued badmouthing them. I felt really bad since I also.. believed in something else besides our Hmong culture, I wonder how he would feel if I told him I believed in something else... ANYWAYS to the ghost-related part. My grandma in the middle of their argument gave a little story to tell my dad / make my dad stop. She was talking how he shouldnt judges someone belief, as it does not harm them. She also talked how she believes god is real, and how every religion has a different god that protects them when in danger. Heres her story: Back in Laos, she and her cousin? (Idk if it was her sister, her cousin, her friend?) were going farming far away from home. They were in the jungle and at night time decided to cook. They were cooking these chickens and then the trees started shaking, and a storm was of gust was going by. My grandma at the time, back in Laos was a young lady and was really scared. (She wasnt a shaman yet.) She was talking to her cousin that if Pinou Wai? IDK that demon monkey (please correct if Im wrong) lived in the woods near them and she said yes. My grandma was yelling at her cousin of why she would cook chicken at night when she knew Pinou Wai was in the woods. She apologized and they packed the chicken trying to get rid of the smell. While doing so, her cousin told her to close her eyes. She agreed and her cousin said a verse - Christianity-related. After praying to god, the storm of gust stopped. There was a group of hmong leng (Idk hmong so.. sorry) were a few fields away also farming and it was night. My grandma and her cousin wanted to go sleep with them since they were alone and was scared. But they heard there was mens in the group, so they decided to sleep alone. Throughout the night they couldnt sleep and my grandma was talking how they heard no crickets, and how it was dead silent, they couldnt sleep. Anyways yea, I THOUGHT ID SHARE TY!
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 16:03:13 +0000

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