Submitted by: VX This took place in Milwaukee, Wi. My - TopicsExpress


Submitted by: VX This took place in Milwaukee, Wi. My parents bought a duplex on a corner lot in about 1992. I was only four. Many strange things happened throughout my childhood, and these are the ones I remember. - When my family first moved in, we would heard people talking in the attic and running around speaking in Hmong, and kids crying. Sometimes we would hit the ceiling with the broom, or my mom would play Christian songs sang by a famous pastor. The noise would stop, and then continue everyday for a while, but eventually it stopped. - My dad used to work second shift and during the summer. My siblings and I would wait up for him to come home. Its like they knew we were waiting and were playing tricks on us. We lived upstairs in the duplex. We wouldnt hear the door open but could heard the footsteps going up the stairs (Our stairs were old so they made a lot of noises). The door would open, and we would all scream, daddy is home just to see no one standing there, and then an hour later my dad would show up. - I was the youngest kid. I remember I was about 7 at the time. My older brothers and sisters were in middle and high school. I was the first one to get home. When I got home, I could hear kids crying (a newborn baby crying) in the attic. I remember until this day the mother was telling the baby in Hmong to stop crying and telling him/her she loves him. Ever since that, everyday I waited on the stairs until my brother and sister got home before heading into our house. - We have a large family, so my dad converted our pantry room into a bedroom. I shared it with my brother. My uncle and aunt (They were still of the old religion) came from Colorado. It was about 10am, and my uncle asked me if my brother and I were looking for something since he saw a boy walk into the room looking for something but left eventually. My aunt also witnessed the same. Both my brother and I said that it wasnt us. We were grown at the the time, why would we go into the room while they were still in bed. They shook it off like nothing happened. Although they decided to visit my cousins and slept around for the remainder of their stay. - I was in high school around this time. I was sleeping in my room one nigh,t but being a chicken, I couldnt fall asleep that night for some reason. I heard my parents bedroom door open, heard a couple creeks like someone was waiting through the kitchen, then peeing but never flushed the toilet. The person then proceeded to head back to bed in my parents room. About 5 mins after, I woke up to go pee. There were no pee in the toilet or pee marks around the toilet (My dad was notorious for not lifting the toilet seat and cleaning up his mess). I went to my parents room and asked if my dad had just gotten up to use the bathroom. My mom and dad both answered no. I went back to bed but couldnt fall asleep. I then started hearing someone walking closer and closer to my room and sitting on our heater (our house was old so the heaters were made of steel, big, and heated by water). I got my metal baseball bat out (Yes, we lived in the ghetto) ran out and looked for the person. I found no one. Eventually, I fell asleep. The next morning I got sick and didnt go to school for a few days. My parents prayed for me, and eventually I got better after a few days. - My dad was smoking in the back porch one day. He saw a Hmong lady in Hmong clothes walking towards the house. He didnt think anything of it. After a week, he told the guy downstairs. (He was a shaman.) My dad asked if I saw a lady walking from the back to the front in Hmong clothes was that your relative. The guy answered no, but I think that was our dead aunt I was sending her to the other world. That was the end of that. Eventually after 18 years of living there and after all the events and a whole bunch of other ones, we moved downstairs. Everything calmed down. Everyone got married, and we all moved out. About last year my parents sold the house to some meka people. I hope they never experience all the stuff we went threw. Reviewed and posted by PSV
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 11:53:14 +0000

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