Submitted to the Evening News and Tribune: The author is a - TopicsExpress


Submitted to the Evening News and Tribune: The author is a founding member of the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers. The letter reflects the thinking of the organization. CONGRESSIONAL HYPOCRISY SURROUNDS AMNESTY Congress consistently refuses to declare English as the official language of the United States but implies that learning English will be a requirement for the grant of amnesty to an estimated eleven million aliens who have taken up illegal residence in the United States since the last amnesty in 1986. Nowhere in Senate bill (S.744)is there a requirement that illegal aliens must learn English to qualify for amnesty. Even ten years after receiving amnesty an alien may satisfy the English requirement necessary for obtaining lawful permanent residence status by merely establishing that the alien is satisfactorily pursing a course of study to achieve an understanding of English and knowledge and understanding of civics. Three senior members of the infamous gang of eight, who authored S.744, Schumer, Durbin & McCain, were all members of Congress when the last amnesty was approved more than 27 years ago. They have collectively accumulated ninety-one years in Congress since then. Each qualifies as a professional politician. It was congress broken promises and failure to oversee enforcement of Immigration statutes that resulted in the dismal failure of the last amnesty and attempt at Immigration reform. National security and public safety interests of the United States have taken a severe blow and will continue to suffer until professional politicians are replaced by representatives who are willing to represent their constituents and prove themselves trustworthy to keep promises. Contrary to charges made by open border advocates and those who support unlimited immigration, Americans have the right and obligation to protect their Countrys sovereignty and national security. They are patriots, not racists. This charade by the current U.S. Senate for comprehensive immigration reform will prove to be one of the most damaging laws ever attempted on the American public. Gene Wood Chief Patrol Agent (ret) Submitted by Kelly Khuri with permission of Author Also from Bob Trent Secretary/ Treasurer of NAFBPO Right now the Republicans are focusing everything on the border. This makes it easier for them, because they are narrowing the situation and avoiding the BIG picture. They need to pony up on protecting the borders and also going back to interior immigration law enforcement. It is just like not wanting to tackle the VA problems and Social Security. They want to keep kicking the can down the road, do minimal work and keep getting reelected. Americans have fought and died for our right to be a sovereign nation. The current crop of politicians can’t stomach the thought of taking a non nonsense position and sending a clear message to the world that we are fed up with illegal immigration. Until we send that message, they will continue to break through our gates.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 00:55:23 +0000

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