Subtle or not so subtle threats to our democracy Months ago, - TopicsExpress


Subtle or not so subtle threats to our democracy Months ago, I was asked on one of the TV programs, what was the main issue that was concerning me the most with the manner and method of current governance. I recall replying that that was a difficult question because so many things being done were the direct opposite of good governance. However I also said then, that what was concerning me the most was the rapid erosion of our democracy and democratic process. A number had commented and said surely not. Surely things are not as bad as during the time of Dom Mintoff. Hand on heart I feel that the situation is worse. It is worse because instead of having a rough, tough, in your face master of brinkmanship who will shout, scream and threaten, whose manner tells you exactly where you stand with him, we have a prime minister who wishes very dearly to give the impression that he is a modern, contemporary leader who understands the wishes and desires of a modern, hip society and the basic freedoms which such a society demands but does the complete opposite to the extent that our democracy is in fact being threatened! The Democracy of a country is threatened when the government of the day, through bullying tactics attempts to take the law into its own hands undermining the independent and impartial judicial process. Isnt that what happened in the case of the private secretary to Minister Mallia who insists with a police man that he should arrest a security officer doing his job at the isle of MTV awards? isnt that what happened when the same minister refused to co-operate with the Ombudsman who demanded the necessary documentation to deal with a serious allegation of incorrect appointments within the Armed Forces? The Democracy of a country is threatened when the government of the day takes over the forces of order by eliminating persons of standing, qualification and dignity and appoints in their stead unqualified family friends as his lackeys, thereby achieving total control? The Democracy of a country is threatened when the leader of government commences breach of privilege proceedings against the leader of the opposition in an attempt to silence him. The Democracy of a country is threatened when the party in government attempts to ensure the financial stability of the same party by withdrawing an action against it for the return of Australia Hall estimated at a conservative 10 million Euro. Hows that for political undemocratic practice? First you give your own party a present of 10 million, then you come up with draft legislation aimed at regulating party finances. The Democracy of a country is threatened when ordinary folk feel they cannot express their views openly for fear of upsetting the regime and having to pay for it the hard way. The Democracy of a country is threatened when a government consistently refuses to publish important contracts such as the contracts surrounding the sale and purchase of our energy. All of this is happening now, not 30 years ago, now, which is why I say that the democracy so many of us fought so hard to achieve is being eroded by a person who pretends to be the paragon of virtue. I do not like what I see, I see a government which is believing that it can forget about democratic processes by fulfilling personal favors.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 17:06:40 +0000

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