Success for me is about living my life with passion. It’s about - TopicsExpress


Success for me is about living my life with passion. It’s about being an example to my clients and to others. It’s about working hard but enjoying the grind, embracing the process, and not getting so caught up in the concept of being “better than” another person that I lose my sense of self. When I think about success I think about consistency, discipline, dedication, hard work, and balance. What makes me feel successful isn’t necessarily lifting more weight than the person next to me, or placing higher at a figure show, or getting a faster Fran time. What makes me feel successful is the sense of satisfaction that I get from putting in hard work, and from knowing, deep down, that I gave it my all. Success is the progress I see in myself as a woman, as a coach, and as an athlete on a day-to-day basis as I work to make positive changes and achieve my goals: keeping bodyfat low, increasing my lean muscle, hitting all the numbers in my training sessions, gaining strength, working on my gymnastics weaknesses, working on my education so I can be a better coach to my clients, and trying hard to be the best woman I can be for my fiance. Success, for me, can be defined at its most basic level in terms of self-improvement. Of being better in some way, shape, or form today than I was yesterday. And as I get ready to step on stage in figure, in a sport of pure subjective comparison, I’m working hard to keep that at the forefront of my mind. I’m constantly reminding myself that it’s not about being better than anyone else. Success is simply being better than your previous best. And the thing is there is no hack, or trick, or secret. To be successful, stop defining success on other peoples terms and start defining success as it is relevant to you and your own life. Abandon comparison as best you can and focus on self-improvement. If you want to be successful, instead of asking others how they achieved success, start looking at what you need to do in order to live a life you regard as being successful. And for Gods sake, be willing to work. If you want lower bodyfat or improved metcon times or just to be strong as hell, it’s going to take a ton of work. Consistent, day in and day out work. And frankly, it doesn’t matter what your goal is. Fitness-related or not, the best things in life, the things worth having, are the things that take effort. Read more...
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 19:54:01 +0000

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