Success is not a means to measure yourself with the world around - TopicsExpress


Success is not a means to measure yourself with the world around you; personal success is not contingent on the efforts of others. Why do we measure ourselves against the progress of others when the paths of others could not be more dissimilar than the paths we have chosen? Excellence is internalized once we stop worrying about the perception and progress of others; and begin being driven and lifted by the progress of others, and finding enlightenment in pouring a piece of ourselves into the pursuit of something we love and find purpose in. The only person whose perception you are being scrutinized under is yourself. Give yourself a break and believe in the choices you have made. Give yourself some credit and accept that along the way you likely made the best decisions you could with the information available to you at the time. Give yourself a chance to be the person you once saw in your dreams, realizing your full potential in the very way you felt was honest to your set of unique skills and intricacies. The world will give you plenty of reason to reconsider and doubt; stand in your corner and never let go of the people that you love because they have and will always stand with you. No man is an island. We formed communities to protect us from being killed in the night; but in doing so we discovered that we are social creatures and better together. We are so beautifully human and unique. Try your best not to overlook those with more subtle or less desirable (in the popular or traditional sense) uniquities. Great strength lies in those whom the world has already made up their mind about before ever even saying hello to. Great strength resides deep in the heart and soul of those who have been judged, scrutinized, categorized, and discounted from the moment they first breathed air into their lungs; from the moment they first stepped into school; into your community; or into your workplace. There is no pride in bullying. There is only immaculate cowardice in attempting to feel better about yourself by pursuing the introduction of suffering in another. Just Living On Caffeine, Dreams and Love.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 16:11:22 +0000

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