Such a good reminder today! Thank you, Joyce Meyer Ministries!!! - TopicsExpress


Such a good reminder today! Thank you, Joyce Meyer Ministries!!! Dont Make Small Plans by Joyce Meyer - posted June 17, 2014 Any enterprise is built by wise planning, becomes strong through common sense, and profits wonderfully by keeping abreast of the facts. —Proverbs 24:3,4 (TLB) I hope you have a dream or a vision in your heart for something greater than what you have now. Ephesians 3:20 tells us that God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above and beyond all that we can hope or ask or think. If we are not thinking, hoping, or asking for anything, we are cheating ourselves. We need to think big thoughts, hope for big things, and ask for big things. I always say, I would rather ask God for a lot and get half of it, than to ask Him for a little and get all of it. However, it is an unwise person who only thinks, dreams, and asks big but fails to realize that an enterprise is built by hard work and wise planning. Dreams for the future are possibilities, but not what I call positivelies. In other words, they are possible, but they will not positively occur unless we do our part....
Posted on: Tue, 17 Jun 2014 12:50:35 +0000

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