Such a terrible thing to happen. You really never know what when - TopicsExpress


Such a terrible thing to happen. You really never know what when something will go wrong. When I first started kayak fishing you would rarely see me with a lifejacket on. I can remember the exact moment that changed my opinion. I was fishing baffin when another younger kid decided to follow me. He knew my handle from reports and knew I had been crushing the fish. About half way through the paddle I hear a splash. I turned around to see the kid in the water trying to get back on the kayak. His anchor line wrapped him up. I paddled over to give him some support while I cut the lines. He had no pfd on. If he did then staying afloat while he untangled himself would have been a breeze. When I asked him why he wasnt wearing his PFD he said, Well you never wear one so I thought I would be ok. Right then and there I realized how impressionable my choices are on other people that read my reports and want to follow me around. Since that day I have always worn my PFD. If you are in the public eye then set the right example. Youre decision to put safety first could save other people in the future. Everybody sees the fun in kayaking and nobody wants to talk about the dangers. Bad things do happen as rare as it is. Ive been lucky enough to go this long without incident because safety is first for me. Dont be a statistic.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 20:47:26 +0000

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