Such are the times, that “We the People” are witnessing a - TopicsExpress


Such are the times, that “We the People” are witnessing a reduction in government, not in size and breadth but rather demeanor. The Presidency has devolved into a mean spirited child, with clenching fists and stomping foot, acting not out of reason but rather out of spite and in wanting to get his own way sends out his Toady like Secretaries to punish those in his way, closing monuments and services for the people while allowing those same items to be enjoyed by himself and his clique. The senate, once thought of as the worlds greatest deliberative body has made a mockery out of itself by not having deliberated over a budget in over four years but yet would maintain that somehow they share no fault in the bankrupting of the country. Against all rule, the Senate leader has emasculated the minority powers and snarls from his loft perch at whomever approaches him with compromise or legislation. The Judicial branch, that constitution torturing bunch, remain complicit and silent as the people suffer under the child tyrant. Only that portion of the government closest to the people hears the moans of the people and then only faintly. Obvious to all, discipline and restraint of the childlike government is needed. “We the People” are rediscovering our strength and resolve; will we chastise them as required or allow them to continue to grow wild in their ways until natural law takes a hand and brings us to our knees in a sea f bankruptcy? Is our pride so great that we will allow the children to put their desires before the needs of the family? We can no longer to afford the extravagant playthings that are demanded for their pleasure, nor their self serving empty wishes. We must exert ourselves, restrain government largess, and pay the penalty all parents must pay when they have allowed their children to act unchecked and run wild.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 11:54:35 +0000

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