Sudan- China Diplomatic Relations Carve out mutual - TopicsExpress


Sudan- China Diplomatic Relations Carve out mutual Interests Report/ by Ahmed Hassan Omer Khartoum/ March ,4/2014 (SUNA)-- Sudan , China diplomatic relations became honest and deep rooted between the two States , they become friends , brothers and partners , they have treated in their concerning affairs equally and exchanging supporting and cooperate for carving out mutual interests and benefits without barriers , I think that Sudanese Chinese relations have distinguished by three clear marks , the first of these marks : the exchanging confidence which base on firm foundation , the two sides are keeping on exchanging experiences in all domains and levels and they still to continue supporting between them add to that they cooperate in issues which concerning them in accordance of specific vital interests and benefits .Secondly : the two countries have keened and promoted trade and economic cooperation which achieve fruitful consequences , whereas Sudanese Chinese cooperation in oil field considered a clear sign in Sudanese Chinese relations and encourages the scientific cooperation between two friendly countries in other fields and also promote economic and social development in Sudan , this will be constituted a model in African continent and developing world , so that China became a great trade partner and investor for Sudan , thirdly : the humanity and cultural communication which promoted every day this has played an important role in pushing communication process and cooperation in different domains such as cultural , educational and healthy fields . In the healthy domain we find that China sends 31 groups constitute medical missions whish estimated by 850 includes medical doctors and nurses they were distributed in all Sudanese villages to throw medical services to the Sudanese citizens focusing on rural and urban areas , the Chinese medical mission aims to spread friendship and love between Chinese and Sudanese people , in order to enhance the relationship Chinese government also continue its contributions in Sudan by providing educational opportunities for Sudanese students to study in Peoples Republic of China whereas we find that more than thousand Sudanese students now are studying in different fields as scholarships , this besides the short training courses focusing on enhancing the Sudanese trainees abilities , this phenomena reflects the real relationship between Sudan and China and also we find that Confucius Institute has a positive role in promoting Chinese culture in Sudan whereas there are a great number of Sudanese students who involve in studying Chinese language which has played its a vital role in reflecting Chinese culture in Sudan . We can say that Sudanese Chinese relations have covered the political , economic , social , humanity and educational domains , containing all dimensions , and have a clear results we don’t forget that there are contributors who have a pioneer role in contributing and promoting the relations between two friendly countries such as businessmen , students , academic and civil society organizations all of these constitute a popular diplomacy which works besides the diplomatic and political characters , I think that Sudanese , Chinese relations pave the way and provides opportunity for South- South Cooperation and I am so confidence the relations promise by achieving bright future for the people of the two countries .
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 15:19:43 +0000

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