Sudanese Communist Party Latest Updates On the New Wave of - TopicsExpress


Sudanese Communist Party Latest Updates On the New Wave of Repression in Sudan 7 November 2014 · Update on the situation of comrade Suliman Ali, the Political Secretary of the Party in the Blue Nile Province · Family holds Security Authorities responsible for his life · 68 years old Comrade Suliman Ali is under harsh and inhuman prison conditions · Call for the immediate release of Suliman Ali and his comrades · Hands off Sudanese Communists! The spokesman of the Sudanese Communist Party, comrade Yousif Hussein, issued a statement demanding the immediate release of comrade Suliman and his colleagues. He pointed to the deteriorating health condition of comrade Suliman. He urged fraternal parties to redouble their efforts to achieve the freedom of all political detainees. In a separate development, the family of comrade Suliman Ali have expressed their serious concern over the deterioration of his health since his detention on 2 November 2014. The family informed the public that comrade Suliman had recently undergone a serious heart operation, and that he needs medical attention daily. The family declared that they hold the security authorities fully responsible for his safety. Furthermore, his son confirmed that Comrade Suliman is using a number of medicines daily, and that the authorities have refused to allow the delivery of urgently needed medicine. Comrade Suliman is languishing in the prison of Damazeen, under harsh and inhuman conditions, deprived of his basic human rights. Comrade Suliman Ali , is 68 years old, married and has grown up children. Together with other comrades they are accused of attempts to overthrow the regime, to violate the constitutional institutions, to wage war against the state and distribute false information. Save the life of comrade Suliman Ali Demand his immediate release and that of his colleagues Fathi Bureau of International Relations Sudanese Communist Party Please send any messages to: ffadl.ham@gmail
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 14:26:18 +0000

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