Suffer You Reputation For The Lord I felt moved to write about - TopicsExpress


Suffer You Reputation For The Lord I felt moved to write about this subject, how many Christians would suffer their reputation to appease the Lord? Back in 1998 I was going to college and everything seem to be on the up and up, I was only less than a year from graduating from college and thought I give myself a break during the Spring from college. I felt like I needed to get in better shape and lose some weight so I began to exercise and eat healthier foods. During this time I made assumption about the town I was living at, I had said this town I am living in is so nice, I heard a still voice within me say not so, now since I was studying to be a police officer my curiosity got the best of me, I said Lord show me what is wrong with this town? I was brought right out of my comfort zone, the first place the Lord took me too was the towns YMCA, I remember eating lunch in there with my friend, I just felt my heart looking to see what was matter with the building? I saw pictures of everything but none that showed this was a place that taught young men about Jesus. While I was eating I remember I dropped my fork on the floor after I heard the Lord say in one year this place would no longer be here. I was taken back by this because I know how communities look up to the YMCA and I felt if this town lets this happen there not caring about the heart of God. I found myself with a weight on my shoulder, the Lord was speaking to me and I wanted to be obedient to him, yet this word was getting heavier and heavier, I felt like I was on a mission to find out about why the Lord was upset with this town. I was informed by a minister who had moved away from the town, he said, the clergy all made a vow to the Lord after a tornado hit the town they would keep Christ in the community. How fast they had forgotten there vow, the YMCA had become so neglected and had been turned over to different departments which were not uplifting Christ, it became so bad that most of the town folks saw it as a community whore house. I was carrying a burden for the Lord and I knew it was going to tarnish my reputation. The Lord was showing me the towns dirty laundry, how entangled webs we weave when we practice to deceive. One day the Lord said I want you to go into the towns pub, I prayed and prayed and thought Lord why the Pub? Then I decided I am not caring what people will think of me, I went into the Pub and began to listen to the chatter, wasnt before long people began to tell me about how crooked the town was, I remember reading out of Ezekiel and how the Lord sent him right into the place where the dirt was piling up, the facts were becoming known that this town was hiding its sins and now the Lord was going to expose it. During this time I lost weight began to feel healthier and thought well Lord I hope whoever is used to get this message out will convince them, little did I know that messenger was me, I look lean and ready to do my last term in college, I was never the same and knew I couldnt let the Lord down. I had a decision to make and decided to stand on Gods promises, he said do not worry about the money you owe, I will take care of this, which he paid back all of my tuition fees from college. The following year the Lord was good on his word, the YMCA was shut down and placed on sale. I was pressed in my spirit, I took the next steps and told the churches the Lord was upset and they all seemed to not worry, it was alright to say New York City was in trouble and that doom was coming, but to tell a little town in America it was in trouble, that God would send down his wrath on it did not go over well with them. I got persecuted and hated, the Police Chief even said why only this town? Its not only here where its bad, I told him this is where the Lord spoke of and no other town is he told me about, he was really upset with me. I could see he wasnt going to let this go till he could prove I had lost the plot, I was arrested in suspicion of being a terrorist and then made to write I was delusional, I was followed everywhere I went, I felt Lord I am going to stand and be your watchman, to suffer for you is worth my reputation. I feel these days were in we need to keep our eyes on Jesus, the world will not accept what we have to say, yet the Lord is allowed to test us to see if were obedient to his words
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 20:08:41 +0000

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