Suffer in Silence, You! The people of Canada suffer in silence as - TopicsExpress


Suffer in Silence, You! The people of Canada suffer in silence as they are selected, one by one, and are persecuted by an out of control, unlawful, unconstitutional, violating Government. How does it work? The government constantly creates new laws and has thousands of laws sitting in dirty books of tricks that every elected and unelected government official have by their side at all times. There are too many of these tricks and laws and regulations for any one person to understand and remember, so they have armies of lawyers, all paid for with your tax money, to keep these things straight for them.... but not for you. A lot of the laws are unConstitutional, but that doesnt matter because government is above the law or so they think. An example here might be a Corporation owned in whole or in part by the Government, operating in the private marketplace in competition with other, generally smaller, privately-owned companies. Certainly, the Federal Government has the power of Regulation of trade and commerce (BNA Act 1867, 91.2) but it was not given the power to ENGAGE IN trade and commerce, the very idea of a Government company appealing a Government decision in a Government courtroom being simply too absurd to consider. As to the provinces, their powers are regulatory only. The Federal Government has NO power to engage in the public marketplace.... and the Provinces have even less. But thats not how it works in The Real World. For the private citizen or the small company, it is like playing cards against the Government, in a casino which they own, playing against a stacked deck in a game in which the Government can invent whatever card they want, the whole game overseen by a croupier whose decisions are bought in advance and paid for.... with your money. Eventually the government will find you in violation of one of their statute laws or some regulation made under one. If they want to punish you, break you or simply take your property, you are now in serious trouble. You are now Public Enemy Number One, and all the weight of Government is dropped on you because the Crown and the Public Well Being are at risk. Government sees its task as GOVERNING, which means CONTROLLING, which in itself implies FORCING. It is naked force arrayed against YOU and it is always You versus the Crown. Every Canadian has the right to face their accuser in an open court.... but the Crown, the cowardly Government always hides behind the Crown. The government not by law but by tradition always picks lawyers to be appointed judges arbitrarily by the premier, or prime minister. Every starting-out young lawyer has his eye on the prize: the best defence attorneys quickly are offered jobs as Crown Prosecutors, which they all know is the stepping-stone to a Magistracy, a Judgeship, a seat on the Appellate Court and finally the Supreme Court. It is a stairway paved with gold if you are smart enough and serve your paymaster: the Government. This results in self serving, government serving, courts which have no interest in common sense, Common Law, the Magna Carta, the Constitution of Canada, the 1960 Bill of Rights.... or in Justice. Their only interest is to serve their masters, the Government which appointed them, the foreign interests which influence them and (never forget!) their lawyer buddies licking their chops and waiting to become judges themselves, and their own personal ambition. Go to your local court house and witness the Government persecution of your fellow Canadians, most of them suffering in silence. Always there is a slick, sleek, well-fed, overpaid lawyer representing the Crown. Often there is a fellow Canadian trying to represent him or herself, always the Judge always suggesting that he get a lawyer (Yeah, right, at $400 per hour, and remember that you only get into their court after they have bled you white with regulations and fees: ask anyone who has been there!). If you still can afford a lawyer, or mortgage your home to hire one, there is the problem that your hot-dog Lawyer never represents the best interests of the person paying them: they are far too busy licking their chops, never rocking the boat, dreaming about being appointed a Judge by the Government. This is how it is for far too many people, in far too many courthouses, on far too many days. It is a national and international disgrace as well as an insult to the very Crown it claims to represent. The Canadian Action Party and the people of Canada know this is wrong. One day in the near future, when the people of Canada become the legal government of Canada, this corrupt system around each of us, constantly threatening us, this out of control Government, will be ended. Canada and its people finally will have what they were promised in 1867: Peace, Order and Good Government under our lawful Constitution.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 10:16:32 +0000

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