Sufism Spiritual:- Welcome to Sufism President, the present - TopicsExpress


Sufism Spiritual:- Welcome to Sufism President, the present genuine spiritual master of Azad Kashmir khalifa [, Sufism president] pir Shaykh murshid dervish fiqeer sufi sultan Mahmood Qadiri, Naqshbandi Chisti, Suhrawardi & Awais al-Qarani class /order tariqh spiritually in possession of spiritual goods, surrender, faith, excellences, reality, wisdom, in bliss for all kinds of humans. Sufism spiritual is for all kinds of humans & Sufism within human community help humans to strive towards spiritual in inward spiritually. Sufism has richness, spiritual heritage for the human race & Sufism Spiritual reality is given to humans through out the World today, Asia, Africa, Middle East, Russia, Oceania, America, England, Europe, China, etc. Sufism readers are from all religions, Christians, Jewish, Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Taoist, Confucian & Muslims, etc. Sufism is influenced by pious righteous Sufi’s example, symbols, rituals, techniques of inner dimension of Islam, which opens the heart of humans to experience Islamic spiritual journey in spiritual direction to God, through its pious righteous believers, Sufi’s,who live according to will of Muhammad [s.a.w] to will of God. Sufi’s lead the self [nafs] to faith [Iman], excellences [ihsan] & to inner substance of the last holy prophet of God Muhammad [s.a.w], whose spirituality is hidden outwardly from materialist human but ever living inwardly as present presence for pious righteous Sufi, who gains his [s.a.w] grace in heart by treading his path of realization of Unity-Tawhid. ‘The prophet [ Muhammad s.a.w] has a higher claim on over the believers than [they have on] their own selves’[ Holy Qur’an, 33:6]. Sufi Sultan says,’ Seek Muhammad [s.a.w] & you will seek Allah’. Surrender to him [s.a.w] is surrender to Allah. Loving him [s.a.w] is loving Allah. Obeying him [s.a.w] is obeying Allah. The testimony of Islam can only be fulfilled by ‘Muhammad rasul Allah- Muhammad IS Messenger of Allah’. From La ilaha illa Llah to Muhammad rasul Allah, the Islamic grace flows to the heart of a Sufi, who understand the grace [ barakah] & understands the spirituality [ Ruhaniyyah] of Muhammad [s.a.w]. From Allah, the grace to Muhammad[s.a.w] to a Sufi, who is in inner positive esoteric dimension [ al-batin] of Islam. Sufi intellect- al-Aql and the sufi spirit-al-Ruh becomes through Iman-faith, excellences-Ihsan, Haqqitah, truth & from wisdom to has spiritual human-Insan in has a perfect believer-Muslim with perfect universal man-al-Insan al-Kamil Muhammad [s.a.w] spirituality-Ruhaniyyah. Sufi attain light-noor of his [s.a.w] through being in his [s.a.w] actions, sunnah, practices by outwardly in the law-shari’ah & inwardly in with his [s.a.w] ruhaniyyah-spirituality, receiving his[s.a.w] grace-barakah from him [s.a.w], who receives it from Allah. Sufi Sultan says,’ Our success comes only through Muhammad [s.a.w] spirituality-ruhaniyyah & by his grace-barakah, when we understand, ‘ Al-Ruhaniyyah-e-Al Barakat-e-Al Muhammadiyyah’, which is from Day to Night of Ascension-mi’raj, ascended to Divine, all spiritual spiritually, decreed in the straight path of Sufi’s- al sirat al mustaqim-e-ahl al tasawwuf, madhhab ahl al tasawwuf--- let him who will, take unto his Lord, Allah, away to the path to God, which is ordained by God through Muhammad[s.a.w] in from exoterism to esoterism in a ‘reminder’- remembrance-dhikr, essence of Sufism to Muqarrabun to al-abrar in to to prostrate to Allah to draw near to nearer to Allah, but some of us humans can not see this because we are very deep in materialism, running after money, womens & other material things, etc. Sufi nearness to God by prostrating to God because ‘ God cometh in between a man and his heart’[VIII,24]. Sufi draw nearness to God, through the Sunnah practices by doing fards, sunnahs, nafls, ziker until absolute nearness to muhammad [s.a.w] to Allah. Nearness to Muhammad[s.a.w] is nearness to Allah. Sufi first do repentance-tawbah, by striving to return to spiritual point in to recover the ego-nafs to piety, faith to excellences as muttaqin by understanding this verse,’ Say O Muhammad [s.a.w], if you love God, than obey [, follow,] Me [ Muhammad s.a.w], then God will love you and forgive your sins’[ III, 31]. Dhiker-e-Muhammadi[AS] is dhiker Allah. The Remembrance of Muhammad [s.a.w] is the remembrance of Allah. In presence of Muhammad[s.a.w] is being to presence of Allah. Serving Muhammad [s.a.w] is serving Allah. Being please with Muhammad [s.a.w] is being please with Allah. Submitting to commands of Muhammad[s.a.w] is submitting to Allah, all in all, this is being in faith-Iman & excellences-Ihsan, which is to be acchived by acquiring the spiritual knowledge of Islam and by practically practicing it in for sake of Allah. Sufi his in his[s.a.w] outwardly-law shari’ ah to inwardly esoteric path-Tariqah, progressively towards spiritual higher levels to ascend with him[s.a.w] to Allah. Sufi a mystical traveler-salik, with illumined truth Muhammad[s.a.w], in self-perfection, purity upon purity, And spiritual reality. ...’ Verily ye have in the Messenger of God [ Muhammad s.a.w], a best example for him, who hath hope in God,’[ Holy Qur’an]. Muhammad [s.a.w] supereminent nature-khuluk Azim, Beloved of Allah, beautiful example, soul of the prophet[s.a.w] barakah Muhammadiyyah, heavenly gifted, perfectly pure, giving grace, blessings and ‘most exalted character,’[ Holy Qur’an]. Whomsoever God desires to Guide, God expands his breast to Muhammad[s.a.w] in to to attain barakat muhammadi, the spiritual aura of Muhammad[s.a.w], al-nur al Muhammadi[AS], al-haqiqat al Muhammadiyyah [AS]; We [Allah], shall show them our signs upon the horizons and within themselves’[ Holy Qur’an, XLI,53]. God grestest sign is Muhammad [s.a.w]. Sufism is the Truth of Muhammad [s.a.w]. Welcome to Sufism President, the present genuine spiritual master of Azad Kashmir khalifa [, Sufism president] pir Shaykh murshid dervish fiqeer sufi sultan Mahmood Qadiri, Naqshbandi Chisti, Suhrawardi & Awais al-Qarani class /order tariqh spiritually in possession of spiritual goods, surrender, faith, excellences, reality, wisdom, in bliss for all kinds of humans. Sufi Sultan Spiritual Reality Group is for humanity….Email only Email. Mahmood.sul@outlook
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 10:37:40 +0000

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