Sufyaan ath-Thawriyy, may Allaah accept his deeds, said: “I - TopicsExpress


Sufyaan ath-Thawriyy, may Allaah accept his deeds, said: “I saw a man who spoke aS-Salaah for the Prophet with every step he took. I asked him: You, instead that you utter at-Tasbeeh (subHaana l-Laah) and at-Tahleel (laa ilaaha illa l-Laah) you utter aS-Salaah for the Prophet, what is your reason for this? He asked me: Who are you? I said to him: I am Sufyaan ath-Thawriyy. He said: If you weren’t one of the Special Ones of your time, I would not have revealed my secret to you. Then he told me and he said: My father once embarked with me on a journey to the Haraam mosque, to fulfill the pilgrimage. But my father fell ill along the way. I took care of him, but he died while I was nursing him. His face got black. I covered it and fell asleep after that immediately. During my sleep I saw a man so beautiful I had never seen before. I never saw nicer clothes and more pleasant fragrances than his clothes and fragrance. He came up to me, took the cloth off of my fathers’ face and stroke the face of my father with his hand and it turned white again. When the man wanted to leave I said to him: Who are you? May Allaah have mercy on you, you are a blessing for my father here in this foreign land. The man said (which means): Do you not know me? I am MuHammad, the son of ^Abdu l-Laah, to me the Qur’aan was revealed. Your father committed sins but often he would say aS-Salaah for me. When he turned ill, he took me as a help and I help those who often say aS-Salaah for me. The man continued to say: After that I woke, took the cloth off of my fathers’ face and it was white again.” (translated by Hadjah Maryam)
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 03:23:55 +0000

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