Sugar Cookie Decorating 101 This is a tutorial for how I apply my - TopicsExpress


Sugar Cookie Decorating 101 This is a tutorial for how I apply my glaze icing to sugar cookies. IMG_7915.frosting To make my special version of royal icing, (glaze icing) these are the ingredients I use. (click the link for full recipe) 1 cup powder sugar (confectioners sugar) 1 tablespoon milk 1 tablespoon light corn syrup 1 drop lemon juice (can be fresh) Why do I use Lemon Juice? The acidity helps create a better tasting glaze! You dont actually taste the lemon AT ALL… it is purely used to counter all the sweet, sweet sugar! This will outline and fill approximately one dozen cookies in one color. (In the tutorial below, I will be making the recipe twice, or enough for two dozen) IMG_7917.text.icing And here are the supplies. You can find most of these at your grocery store, however the coupler set and disposable pastry bags can be found at Michaels and Walmart. IMG_7929.icing Place one cup of powder sugar in sifter. Try not to skip this step! Lumps in icing are hard to fix. IMG_7944.collage1 Add one tablespoon milk, one tablespoon corn syrup, and one drop lemon juice. IMG_7948.icing Mix everything together. This looks pretty dry still, so I am going to add a little more milk, about a teaspoon at a time. IMG_7950.icing IMG_7954.icing Much better. Still pretty think but perfect for outlining. IMG_7961.collage2 Now remember these guys? You want to take the large piece in the coupler set and insert it into the bag. Really get it as far into the tip of the bag as you can without stretching the bag. IMG_7962.icing Place bag into a tall glass. IMG_7969.icing Pour icing into bag. When it is filled about half way just give your bag a twist, then put a rubber band on it so no icing can spill out the end. Now put this bowl in the sink and rinse it out! Dried icing is a PAIN to clean up. :) Next we are going to cut off the tip of the bag. Just cut straight across. Place your decorating tip on bag, then place the ring of the coupler set on top of the decorating tip. Tightly screw it on and you are all set! Before you start icing your cookie, just get a piece of wax paper or use a cookie sheet and practice using your icing bag. Practice making lines… dots… learning the texture and consistency of your icing and how it looks. Then just start at any corner, apply light pressure to the bag, and begin slowly moving your tip down the side of your cookie. IMG_7989.icing (sorry about the poor quality of these shots… it was REALLY hard to take a picture while icing!) Its ok to have a little slack in your line… let the icing flow a bit! IMG_7991.icing Just make your way around the cookie. If you make a wobbly line or have a ‘break’ in the line just wipe off the cookies and start over. Easy! IMG_7995.collage5 Next you are going to want to ‘spill’ or ‘flood’ your cookie. So I made another batch of icing, the same way as before, only this time I added more milk to get a runnier consistency. Once combined, run your spoon along the bottom of the bowl. You will want to be able to see the bottom of the bowl for at least a few seconds. If ten seconds pass and you can still see the bottom of the bowl you will need to add a little more milk. Now grab another bag. Since I am just using this icing to flood the cookies, I am not going to use a coupler or decorating tip. Just fill up the bag, twist it, and wrap a rubber band around the top. Then cut off the tip. IMG_8021.collage6 When I flood I generally run a ribbon of icing around the edges then fill in the center a bit. If you flood your cookie completely, as in, have no dry space, there will be too much icing and it will overflow. IMG_8022.icing Now we will go back in and smooth everything out. IMG_8028.collage7 Just grab a toothpick and start moving the icing into the corners. Make sure you cover all the dry cookie! IMG_8028.icing IMG_8034.icing There will most likely be bubbles. Its a good idea to get rid of them if you can! IMG_8036.icing Just use your toothpick as a spear an pop them. There! All gone. IMG_8041.cookie And here is the ‘finished’ cookie. I have finished in quotations, because now is when I normally start decorating! Hope that answers any questions you may have about glaze icing! Here are some examples of some decorated sugar cookies as well as some essential tips and tricks!
Posted on: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 19:52:04 +0000

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