Suggested and Possible Uses Clary Calm Essential Oil The - TopicsExpress


Suggested and Possible Uses Clary Calm Essential Oil The following are uses described in a book I highly recommend, Modern Essentials: A Contemporary Guide to the Therapeutic Uses of Essential Oils, as well as from personal experience and other resources. Use them to inspire your own ideas, experiment, and see what works for you. Calming Apply 1-2 drops of Clary Calm essential oil to the palm of your hands and cup over the nose and mouth to breathe in. Massage remainder over heart or solar plexus. Cramps, Menstrual Massage a small amount into the lower abdomen or reflex points of the fet as desired. Dysmenorrhea (Painful Periods) Consider using over the area of pain as needed, or daily throughout the month to help regulate the hormonal system. Emotional Balance Apply 1-2 drops of Clary Calm essential oil to the palm of your hands and cup over the nose and mouth to breathe in. Massage remainder over heart or solar plexus. Empathy Apply 1-2 drops over heart or solar plexus. Guarded, Emotionally Apply 1-2 drops of Clary Calm essential oil to the palm of your hands and cup over the nose and mouth to breathe in. Massage remainder over heart or solar plexus. Hot Flashes Massage 1 drop into the reflex points of the feet 1-2 times a day, or apply as desired for symptoms. Hormones (Balancing) Use 1-2 drops daily, massaged into the reflex points of the feet. Irregular Periods Consider applying 1-2 drops daily to the lower abdomen or the soles of the feet for hormone balancing. Menopause Consider applying 1-2 drops daily to the reflex points of the feet. Menstruation Apply 1-2 drops to the lower abdomen or lower back as desired. Mood Swings Apply 1-2 drops to the palm of the hand and inhale for 30 seconds or more, then massage over solar plexus or heart. PMS Apply 1-2 drops to the lower abdomen or lower back as desired. Consider daily use to regulate cycles and symptoms. Releasing Apply 1-2 drops over heart or solar plexus or diffuse as desired. Stress Apply 1-2 drops to the palm of your hands and cup over the nose and mouth to breathe in. Massage remainder over heart or solar plexus. Tension Massage Clary Calm essential oil into the area of concern or inhale from the bottle for calming. Trust Apply 1-2 drops of Clary Calm essential oil to the palm of your hands and cup over the nose and mouth to breathe in. Massage remainder over heart or solar plexus. Vulnerability Apply 1-2 drops over heart or solar plexus. In addition to this oil, also consider trying clary sage, bergamot, wild orange, or check out other essential oils here.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 13:26:36 +0000

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