Suhoor - the pre-dawn meal. Its easy to forget or neglect this - TopicsExpress


Suhoor - the pre-dawn meal. Its easy to forget or neglect this valuable meal related to fasting. Its not an obligation, but its sunnah [a practice of the Prophet (pbuh) & therefore, a recommended & beneficial practice for Muslims]. Usually in the beginning, tummys arent quite ready to eat so early - especially for those who prefer not eating breakfast altogether. OR, we feel theres not enough time, or were just too tired to wake up. Perfectly reasonable indeed. But its Ramadan and theres much to be said, so were gonna say it cause we want you to benefit as best as you can. So lets shed some light on suhoor: * Days are long in many parts of the world and the body AND brain need fuel. If it runs on empty, you may not be as present in your prayers and worship, or much else for that matter. And your body and mind will wanna burnout sooner. * Even though its sunnah, its kinda a Muslim thing: The Prophet (pbuh) taught us, “The difference between our fasting and that of the people of the Book is eating shortly before dawn”. * And, he (pbuh) told us to take suhoor as there is a blessing in it. * He also (pbuh) said, “taking the pre-dawn meal in Ramadan is a blessing, so do not leave it, be it just drinking a mouthful of water. For Allah the Noble and the Mighty, and His angels send blessings over those who have taken the pre-dawn meal.” Really awesome and inspiring isnt it?! Even if youre sleepy and not hungry, please do your best not to skip this meal when fasting. Its really important if Allah blesses us for it and our Prophet (pbuh) recommends it. Even if its a small meal. As a fellow convert, I recommend dates, thats if your diet permits it. I know, most converts arent used to eating dates nowadays, especially since were popping up all over the world. But theyre loaded with nutrients and can be quite satisfying without overburdening. Our prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, ”How excellent are dates as the believer’s suhoor.” Try eating a few with some water, fresh juice or milk - and there you go! Youve eaten suhoor and those angels are gonna send Allahs blessing to you, and your body, mind AND soul will have some good stuff to run on inshaAllah (as God wills). If not dates, find something healthy that works for you and go with it . I keep reminding myself :)
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 07:33:49 +0000

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