Suiting Your Journey All my life no matter where Ive lived - TopicsExpress


Suiting Your Journey All my life no matter where Ive lived Ive always had the good fortune to have a few friends with whom I could occupy my time, and I dont mind a good conversation with a stranger now and then either but the sort of passions I have in life--- Mysticism, anthropology, philosophy and writing, have made me a loner as well. I dont think any writer ever writes anything down without the intention of having it read; Ive long said that written words are not complete until theyve been read by at least one other. In the end writing is a social endeavor. Likewise philosophy dictates the you acquaint yourself with as many people as you can and then form ideas that say useful things about all of mankind, and so, it too, is a social effort. But to be a philosopher or writer worth half a spit, you also gotta enjoy a lot of wandering wide and far in the solitude your thoughts and your heart. One strange thing Ive noticed over the years is that long, long before I realized any of that, I had arraigned my life in such a way that I could be all alone with my thoughts some of the time and well surrounded by people some of the time. I think that pretty much everyone is like that. Whenever at all possible, we each arrange our lives to suit the paths we have chosen. Not only that, we do much of the arranging long before we are ever consciously aware of what path were on, or what arrangements might best suit our journey. Dewey Dirks
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 23:24:38 +0000

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