Summary military FSA On Saturday, the 15 \ 3 \ - TopicsExpress


Summary military FSA On Saturday, the 15 \ 3 \ 2014 =========== Damascus Governorate : 1 - Jobar neighborhood : clashes on the outskirts of the neighborhood of Jobar hand area Abbasids and other hubs between the army and the forces of the free system 2 - Al Yarmouk camp : Violent clashes broke out at the entrances to the neighborhood of Yarmouk refugee camp south of Damascus The province of Damascus : 1 - City Yabrood : violent clashes on the outskirts of Yabroud in orchards surrounding area mountains Kalamoon which enables free army and Islamic battalions of the bombing of two mechanisms of regime forces and Hezbollah and killed seven of them 2 - the area of Wadi Barada : violent clashes in the vicinity of the barrier Alfajuch and the Dahra area villages Barada valley in an attempt by regime forces to storm the area 3 - Damascus West : army targeted a free tank shells of buildings that are stationed where the regime forces in the town of Brive Alderkhbayh western Damascus 4 - City Zmka : army targeted free mortar gatherings regime forces on the Southern Highway through the city on the one hand Zmka Damascus targeting western communities regime forces in the town of Alderkhbayh 03/15/2014 youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=qtELtWCFsCQ Daria, a sniper soldiers system on the Eastern Front, Daria 03/15/2015 youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=IdFRcsbXzzo Mountains region Kalamoon clashes in the city of orchards Yabrood 03/15/2014 youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=qA2QfJw-JnU Area Kalamoon destruction mechanism for regime forces on the outskirts of the city of Yabrood 03/15/2014 youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=30efo2lHXrk Zamalka targeting gatherings regime forces on the road to Southern Highway 03/15/2014 youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=nN7VdlHHipc • targeting buildings that are dug by Assad herds in the region of # Alderkhbayh shell of the tank that had been seized from barrier 68 Brigade . youtube/watch?v=qtELtWCFsCQ& • of the heaviest clashes fought by the mujahideen in the city of Adra in Damascus Suburbs • A sniper shabiha system on the Eastern Front, Daria Assads forces corpses fills the city of Adra unions Rural Damascus after storming by the Mujahideen Target buildings that are dug by the herds in the region of Assad Alderkhbayh shell of the tank that has been grasped barrier Brigade 68 The arrival of the Champions Liberation Brigade Levant and their deployment in the city of Yabrood Mazarh : https://youtube/watch?v=aIRJG5_EYPE Video shows the whereabouts of the elements of the Liberation Brigade Sham in the northeast side of the city overlooking the farms Rima denied the allegations and Hach regime forces stormed the city Yabrood : https://youtube/watch?v=qA2QfJw-JnU Destroying a subsidiary of regime forces in the vicinity of the front Yabrood Aqaba today : The Mujahideen # alliance _ banner _ one targeting buildings that are dug by Assad herds in the region of # Alderkhbayh shell of the tank that has been grasped barrier Brigade 68 . https://youtube/watch?v=qtELtWCFsCQ # t = 20 -------------------------------- Aleppo : 1 - Aleppo : continuing clashes in Sheikh Najjar and hubs nearby Aleppo targeting gatherings during which regime forces missiles in renewed clashes in the neighborhood of Bustan Palace between the army and the forces of the free system 2 - countryside east of Aleppo : continuing clashes in the countryside of Aleppo between the eastern state of Islam , Iraq and Syria on the one hand and the Brigades of the Free Army and the Islamic Front of the other controlled during the last several villages were stationed where the state of Islam in Iraq and the Levant 3 - Mount Hoihna : army targeted free mortar gatherings regime forces in the area of Mount Hoihna Brive Aleppo Daraa : 1 - Shield: army targeted free mortar regime forces stationed at a checkpoint cemetery Kour district Detector Daraa station to coincide with the ongoing clashes at the barriers of the regimes forces in the east of the city of Daraa stitches 2 - City of Bosra Sham : army targeted free regime forces stationed at a checkpoint response in Bosra Sham and which inflicted many casualties among soldiers System Military heroes during the free address warplanes in the skies of the eastern villages . Hama : 1 - Hama north : targeted Brigades of the Islamic Front rallies regime forces in the village of Hama, the northern Cedar Brive several Grad rockets to coincide with the violent clashes on the southern front of the city Mork 2 - SD town : clashes on the outskirts of the town of Hama SD Brive south between the army and the forces of the free system Hama regime forces targeted gatherings perimeter City Mork 03/15/2014 youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=M26JCv7RJn4 Hama clashes on the outskirts of the city of Hama, north Mork Brief youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=SocVQlaxhho Hama northern communities targeting regime forces in the village of Cedar Grad rockets youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Fnsys1SiSDE Hama clashes near the southern town of Hama SD Brief 03/15/2014 youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=-FNNw-wutTM Idlib province : 1 - Rif Idlib : free army targeted missiles and rockets local communities regime forces on the outskirts of the city of Jericho in the camp Almsthomh Brive Idlib Reeve Idlib targeting gatherings regime forces on the outskirts of the city of Jericho in the camp Almsthomh youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=d4yU3Tc_hIc =========== Numbers Abstract: Imad Abed https://facebook/ https://twitter/3imaad2010
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 00:50:03 +0000

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