Summary of Sunday’s sermon @ Life Giving Assembly - 8th - TopicsExpress


Summary of Sunday’s sermon @ Life Giving Assembly - 8th September 2013 KNOWING GOD’s WILL FOR OUR LIVES The will of God simply means God’s intentions: 1. What God had in mind when he formed you 2. What are God’s thoughts towards you 3. What are God’s expectations of you – what God expects you to do per time Jeremiah 29:11, Luke 12:47-48 IMPORTANCE OF KNOWING & WALKING IN GOD’S WILL 1. It puts you in the center of God’s plan. You become an indispensable asset to God. Prov 11:8 2. It saves your time and makes you focused. Ephesians 5:16 3. Your life become meaningful and life-giving 4. You’ll die empyty – you will finish your assignment here on earth Christians are meant to enforce the Kingdom & will of God on earth, in our lives, family, work & Business. Mathew 6:10, 16:19, Job 22:28 ACCESSING THE WILL OF GOD We can access God’s will through His word. Psalm 119:130, 105, 133. Every of God’s word is His will for our lives. Lay hold of the word and you’ll lay hold of life John 1:5. God’s will is His word. His word is Life. His Life is the Light. His Light shatters every form of darkness. John 1:5. We are partakers of HIS WORD, LIFE & LIGHT. HOW TO APPLY GOD’S WORD 1. You must believe His word 2. You must confess God’s word always 3. You must act on His Word by faith. Hosea 14:2, Isaiah 1:18, Mathew 7:24-27
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 08:22:24 +0000

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