Summer Blues? Read on... Dear Client, Mon: Book a Brazilian - TopicsExpress


Summer Blues? Read on... Dear Client, Mon: Book a Brazilian and receive a complimentary Brow Wax. Tue: Book a Brazilian and receive a Free Lip Wax or Half Off Brow Wax! Wed: Spend $75 or more at The Wax Therapist and receive a complimentary Carrot N Clay Mask to take home! Good evening! I hope this newsletter finds you all in good health, as well as relaxed on this lovely Sunday evening. I just wanted to remind all of you take care of yourselves. It seems that the past few weeks or so, many of you have been battling severe stress storms and feeling down. My heart goes out to you and I hate to see any of you hurt or in sadness. Its unfortunate that out of nowhere disease can strike a loved one, theres a newfound turmoil in your favorite relationship, or youre just feeling the impact of running around all summer long taking care of everyone but yourself. Remember, that no matter how much you think others may need you, you HAVE to take care of yourself in order to give back. If youre one of many coming to terms with a huge life change such as a giant move across state where you have to start everything over, your only child growing up and leaving the nest, or starting all over in your love life solo..then these tips may be a good idea to consider for your week. -Start every morning feeling grateful. Perspective is everything. It is ok to mourn and feel the loss of someone or something...but you must also remember to appreciate the things that are always there, and there are so SO many....the sun, the scenic drive on your way to work, the book that helps you escape or even manage a smile or two, your pet who waits for you to get home everyday or sits by you while you manage bills and paperwork, or simply the kind neighbor that waves a genuine smile to you every morning on your commute to work. -Keep Busy. Ok, so for those of you who are just flat out overwhelmed..this is not for you. But for those of you who are hurting emotionally...get going. Remember those shoes you keep putting off returning or that stupid shelf you keep putting off fixing? Why are you sitting down sobbing? Get up! Move. Go on a walk, go to the dog park and spark up a conversation, or invest in a new hobby. Exercise! Walk, run, but get your blood flowing! Rent a comedy. Go see a comedy. Learn to cook a new dish and dont eat alone, or if you do eat alone...enjoy it outdoors on the patio with a book or nice glass of wine. Dont be alone, or do be alone. But do both, and do it well. -Relax. This is for those of you are just doing TOO MUCH and are overwhelmed. If you can afford it… take a sick day. Cant do that? Schedule to leave work early OR come in late and stay in bed a few extra hours. Plan to go to bed three hours early. Use one hour to read, and the rest to get extra zzzzs. Learn to just say No. Those words can be extremely hard to mutter for hard workers, mothers, friends, or people pleasers. But once you get the hang of it, you will see that people will respect your time and energy the more you do. Dont be shy. Just say No. -Health! I know I say it time and time again, but what you put in your the same investment youll get out of it. Dont put crap in your body or youll feel like crap. Simple. Eat healthy, eat living, high greens, high raw, high plant based health! Thats it. Love all of you and hope this has helped someone. Yours Truly, Manya Repnikova The Wax Therapist
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 01:50:24 +0000

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