Summer love Chapter 19 About 1 hour kris come back. He so sad. - TopicsExpress


Summer love Chapter 19 About 1 hour kris come back. He so sad. Kris are you okay? Yes he look at me I heard their are some problem in the hotel? Yes. About the finance What can I help you? That okay Sorry that I cant help you anything than he hug. It enough if you stay with me Emm I will stay with you I hug him Back. But only 2 more days I have to go back. Today everyone in the hotel are busy. I meet chairman and he really angry. When I go to kris room. I see him pack his luggage. Where he want to go? Kris why you pack your luggage? Oh yura I have to go to Hong Kong I have to talk with our partner about this problem. I will come back soon. Or. How many days you go? About 1-3 days I dont know Ohh. What the problem? Ah nothing have a safe trip. And solve the problem as quick as possible did he forget that I have to go to Paris? Should I tell him? But now he so busy. So I hug him and walk out. Kris I love you Yes I love you either he smile and walk quickly. Looking kris walking farther. I will miss you kris. Next day come It is my last day I can stay here. I visit my mom again. Mom. Take care yourself wear warm clothes and eat well Yes you dont have to worry about me. Yes Why you seem unhappy today? No About kris? I cant hide from you mom. Yes his hotel have some problem with finance Really. Yes. Now he go to Hong Kong When he come back? Maybe 1 or 2 days more So he know you will go to Paris tomorrow? No. He too busy so I dont tell him. But you have to meet him one last time But his job is more important I know Yes mom When you arrive there dont forget to call back okay Yes I hug her one last time. I will miss you mom. Next day come the day that I wish I dont want to face with. I hear that the problem ready Solved And kris is heading back to Korea. But it time for me. I said goodbye to chairman. He said wait a bit kris will be back. But it time. Incheon airport. All passengers that heading to Paris please check in. Plane will fly in 15 minutes. I wait for kris about 1 hour but I dont see him. My manager said dont have to wait. So I walk in and check in. Kris part I got a called from my dad that yura will fly to Paris today. Why I dont know? Why she dont tell me? Please wait for me yura. When I arrive I try to find her. She already leave. Yura! You cant go to Paris like that I will get you back. Just wait for me.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 14:13:58 +0000

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