Summer shot by like a bullet and I wasnt available or tuned into - TopicsExpress


Summer shot by like a bullet and I wasnt available or tuned into the Facebook genre at the time, so Im somewhat late on this subject. Im referring to World Cup soccer which seems like a lifetime since this event occurred. I personally could care less for it. I understand that the whole world does participate, and that includes the good ole U.S. of A., but outside a minority of people in this country, most Americans do care less. The World Cup occurs every four years, (just like the Olympics with the summer and winter games juggling every two years) and it does put the spotlight on the sport, but only briefly. Arrogant American soccer lovers pound their chests proclaiming that not only is soccer the worlds most popular sport, (which it is outside of this country) but that its here to stay. Oh, really? The honeymoon or hangover lasts for about two weeks after the World Cup, or after the U.S.A. is eliminated, then the NFL training camps begin and all is forgotten. It doesnt stand a leg up against football, baseball, and basketball in this country, and really, not even hockey. Sports talk radio shows all over the country always poke and prod over baseball because baseball is in the midst of its long season, and they always try to find faults with the All-American game. (Baseball will be my subject next week.) But soccer falls short in this country in so many ways. The reasons are too numerous to list, but I will take a stab at it. Too many Americans try to Americanize a foreign sport. Soccer has its own isms, gestures, and lingo invented outside this country long before it hit our shores. Many believe it can compete with fall sports and it just aint so. I mean, even at the high school level its played during the week because in no way, shape, or form can it bump football on Friday nights. Around fifteen orso years ago the MLS (Major League Soccer) attempted to hold its championship game on a Sunday afternoon in November. Are you serious? Thats suicide. Because if I remember correctly, the NFL plays on Sunday afternoons. Oh well, its their (MLS) funeral. But one of the main reasons that soccer falls short is that you dont have any solid rivalries here on our home turf. Rivalries can sell a multitude of tickets. here in America you have for instance, the New York Yankees vs. the Boston Red Sox, the Green Bay Packers vs. the Chicago Bears, the Boston Celtics vs. the Los Angeles Lakers, Alabama vs. Auburn ( I know I blasted college football last week, only because of the format) Ohio State vs. Michigan, the Beatles vs. the Rolling Stones, any hip-hop rapper vs. any hip-hop rapper, the Pittsburgh Steelers vs. anybody, to name a few. Where are the rivalries in soccer? Enlighten me somebody because I know of none. And if there are some, they dont light a candle to the ones that Ive just written. And another thing that irks me, Ive heard soccer kids mothers say on occasion, well our kids are in soccer. As if theyre automatically athletes. That makes me want to puke. I do understand that soccer takes a lot of endurance, and I get that. But Ive also heard soccer parents insist that they would prefer theyre kids to play soccer over football or baseball because they think that soccer is a safe sport. Thats not an American sport. And then Ive had individuals explain to me that soccer players dont even wear pads. That is so ludicrous. That is taking a jab at football. Besides. Soccer is not a collision sport tball is. Soccer is incidental contact. Hey. Ive got a hockey face playing slo-pitch softball for eighteen years. I believe it was 1992 and another World Cup was amongst us. I had critiqued soccer for so long (even back then) that I decided to sit down and watch an entire match. The U.S.A. was playing , and I cant remember whom they were playing,but I didnt make it through the match. I watched only half of it. I was never so bored in my entire sports watching life. I found it way too exasperating. But I did give it a chance.In my opinion, it doesnt demand as many athletic skills as it does as the big three. (baseball, football, and basketball) For instance. Have you ever played third base the hot corner at any level? Case closed! Ill go another step further then Ill shut my pen up for now. Why is it, socceplayers male or female feel like they have to remove clothing when they score a goal? Do we really have to or want to see that? So R.I.P. THIRD WORLD KICKBALL!!!!! Oh by the way. I keep having these weird dreams. Last night I dreampt that I was being chases by the late Senator Ted Kennedy (D) Massachusetts. P.S. Im new to Facebook and I didnt send last weeks commentary correctly so everyone Ive friended didnt get an opportunity to read it. If you want to read it (it deals with college football vs. pro football) go to my profile, Craig Stephens, and look for It is once again fall... and hopefully you ill enjoy it. Thank you.
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 05:30:23 +0000

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