Sumya Olia : Harry Imagine You and Harry working out at the gym - TopicsExpress


Sumya Olia : Harry Imagine You and Harry working out at the gym one lovely Saturday morning. You guys are running on two treadmills side by side. Harry has his shirt off and obviously looks really stunning. His tanned arms and torso are glistening with sweat. It’s pretty early so no one else is there at the gym yet. “This blows,” you say, “I’m getting really tired of this…!” You pant as you continue running at that slightly fast pace. “How about we go try something else then?” Harry gives you a side-glance and a mischievous smile, his green eyes glimmering in the sunlight pouring in through the window. “I’m all up for it! LET’S DO THIS!!!” you nearly yell. “Calm down Sumya!!” Harry says in an offended tone of voice, but you can tell he’s joking. Harry starts to laugh, deep and happy, and suddenly grabs your hand and pulls you towards the door of the gym, and outside. The sun is really bright. There’s a running track, a children’s playground, and a tennis court. There’s a pool as well. The place is pretty deserted, it being a weekday morning. No one. Not even the pool workers or anything. You guys head to the changing rooms, shower, and then change into your swimming costumes. You are donning a nice bright colored bikini and Harry in tacky looking orange-and-blue Hawaiian print swimming shorts. You both emerge from the changing rooms and you can’t help but smirking at Harry’s shorts and his general dorkiness. You’d think with all that money he’d be able to make better fashion choices! “Looking good, Styles!” you tease Harry, before bursting out laughing. “OK, Miss …but anyways…you’re not looking too shabby yourself!” Harry says, playing along with the joke. You make a beeline to the pool and stick a toe into the water, testing it’s warmth. “Hmm, it seems pretty-“ but you don’t complete your sentence as you feel a pair of hands on your back, and Harry pushes you into the pool. “Harry!” you say, gasping for air as you come up to the surface. “I can’t believe you just did that!”, a little dramatically too, you have to admit. But it’s all part of the fun. Harry is just sitting at the side of the pool, laughing his ass off. But when he sees the look on your face he heads towards the pool himself and slides in. “I’m sorry, babe,” he says, and kisses you on the top of your head. You smile back and kiss him on the lips. His lips are warm and soft, he hasn’t been under the water yet. So you press down on his shoulders, cheekily, trying to push him under. “Hey!” Harry exclaims in protest. He puts on his best Count Dracula voice. “Nobody pushes Harry Styles under the water!” You roll your eyes at him. God, he can be so lame and cheesy sometimes. So you splash him with water and you guys end up messing about. You stare at Harry for a moment after you guys are done being silly, and for the billionth time you can’t get over how beautiful he is. His green eyes sparkle and the sun shining on his curls make them look even prettier than they already are, and you really feel a surge of love and passion for him. You then approach him, getting closer, and wrap your arms around his toned chest. You trace the outlines of his tattoos gently with your fingers and you can feel Harry’s chest under you, with him sighing in content. “You know, Harry.,.” you begin. Harry looks up at you with a wondering, inquisitive look on his face. “What’s up?” “I’ve always wanted to-“ “Yeah?” “You know…“ “Yeah. Gotcha.” And Harry grabs a hold of your waist and you immediately begin making out with him. It feels amazing, Harry’s smooth soft lips on yours and with your bodies against each other. Harry begins taking your bikini top off, and you grab a fistful of his curly hair in pure ecstasy. But you stop before anything else happens, just in case anyone else came. “Harry,” you say between breathes, “I think we should stop before anyone else comes here….” Harry looks at you and with a sigh stops kissing with you and just strokes your hair. It feels perfect, just hanging out here in the cool pool with the warm sun shining down on you, and with a funny, witty and beautiful Harry to hang out with. You stare up at the sky; there are no clouds, it is a clear sunny day. You never want this moment to end. :LZHNL:
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 04:44:50 +0000

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