Sun. Sept. 4, 1965: Jim Writes His Parents in London (DU) - TopicsExpress


Sun. Sept. 4, 1965: Jim Writes His Parents in London (DU) Around this time, Jim writes his parents in London disclosing his plans to sing with a band. Jims father, an admiral in the navy, vehemently disagrees with Jims choice and is very upset with his son. He writes Jim back conveying his objection while mentioning paying for four years of college, Jim abandoning his piano lessons as a child, never caroling with the family, and most importantly mentioning the band will never amount to anything. Jim never saw his father after this point and probably never had any contact either verbally or in letter. Jim was on his own. He would however stay in touch with his brother Andy and more so with sister Anne. We got transfered to London in 1965 [Adm. Morrison was on the staff of the commander in chief, Naval Operations, Europe], and my dad annd Jim had a falling out because Jim wanted to go into music or borrow some money. And I didnt hear from him for two years. - Andy Morrison, Jims younger brother p.14 The Doors by The Doors He called me and told me he was going on the road with a rock band. I told him it was ridiculous. I said, Youre not a singer. You cant sing. He never had. Driving across country, we all liked to sing. It was just to pass the time. I didnt think any of us had a voice. I said, Youre on the wrong track here. Get yourself a job. Thats not a job. Amiral Steve Morrison p. 14 The Doors by The Doors Adm. Morrison is said to have written in his letter back to Jim I think its a crock, I tried piano for a while, but I didnt have the discipline to keep it up. I think I got to about the third grade book. Jim Morrison (1969) Source: In Their Own Words Some people surrender their freedom willingly but others are forced to surrender it. Imprisonment begins with birth. Society, parents they refuse to allow you to keep the freedom you were born with. There are subtle ways to punish a person for daring to feel. You see that everyone around you has destroyed his true feeling nature. You imitate what you see. - Jim Morrison
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 14:18:05 +0000

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