Sunday ---------- As the final day got underway, people were - TopicsExpress


Sunday ---------- As the final day got underway, people were treated to an excellent surprise. The surprise was called CYGNETS and I have said for some time that they are my favourite band in the country. The new wave synth trio played songs almost exclusively from their recently released album “Isolator”. The singer has a truly fantastic voice and the singalong moments were coming fast and furious. The most interesting thing about the band’s immaculate set was that the other bands in the crowd were mesmerized and couldn’t stop talking about how great this unexpected performance was. I like to reserve a slot for some electro punk rock every year and this year DEAD ON TV filled that void perfectly. A bunch of guys having a great time rocking out while frontman Daniel Evans launched himself all around the stage (somehow never befalling any major harm) was exciting to watch. More than a few punk rockers in the room clearly felt an affinity with these guys that they perhaps hadn’t felt for much of the weekend otherwise. The staff in particular descended on me afterwards and said “YOU HAVE TO BOOK THESE GUYS AGAIN”. The next two bands combined to form a superset. CYANOTIC and RABBIT JUNK formed CYAJUNK for the weekend (and a couple of UK festival appearances this summer). They hammered through a set of Cyanotic songs first and the deadly beats and heavy guitar riffing got everybody moving. They had some very cool visuals accompanying most of their set which is always a nice touch. About two thirds of the way through, JP of Rabbit Junk leaped to the front of the stage, guest vocalist Nadia Garofalo appeared with a mic and the two blasted through the trademark male-female vocal trade off that Rabbit Junk is famous for. In my opinion, the two of them jumping up and down to the debut of their new song was one of the definitive party moments of the weekend. COMADUSTER is a Terminus veteran. This is the only act that has played every single edition of the festival to date. After the set he delivered, there is no doubt as to why. How can a musician top such amazing sets each year? Although he probably doesn’t know the answer himself, many in the audience agreed that this may very well have been the finest Comaduster performance of all time. You simply couldn’t take your eyes off the stage for fear of missing a single moment. Arguably the single most anticipated appearance of the festival was to follow. Trying to describe AUTHOR & PUNISHER is not something even seasoned musicians are eager to attempt. Suffice it to say that he has built some incredibly elaborate custom gear that must be flown in to each performance (150 lbs worth for Terminus!) and he uses this gear in conjunction with some synths to produce entirely unique, droning, pulverizing sounds of doom. It’s completely captivating and must be seen to be believed. EVERY person in the room watched in utter disbelief as the one-man project shattered our pre-conceptions of how music can be produced. The following act was flown in from France to give us a taste of truly terrifying industrial madness. CHRYSALIDE is not for the faint of heart which was clear from the moment they appeared coated in black paint and the harsh beats and vocals rang out. Fans of the band went ballistic at this opportunity to see the band play one of its first ever North American shows. Incredibly nice, soft spoken guys off stage and then industrial nightmare spawn on stage… absolutely fantastic stuff! Daniel Myer’s second appearance of the weekend occurred next as ARCHITECT. In an effort to get our attention immediately, the set began with the Cookie Monster singing “Share It Maybe” (yes a “Call Me Maybe” cover). Needless to say this was met with lots of smiles and laughter and he simply took things from there. Architect was the first artist announced for this year’s edition of the festival so the excitement had been building for a long time. Fans were treated to a range of sounds and guest vocalists including Tamara Jenney of Alter Der Ruine and Real Cardinal of Comaduster. Arguably the moment that more people were waiting for than any other was also to be the final performance of the weekend. The legendary COVENANT were set to wrap up the festival in style. After an epic intro, band members Daniel and Andreas took up their positions and a few minutes later, the moment many were waiting for… lead singer Eskil sang his first notes and the building erupted. From the first full track “Bullet” through every period of their career, the band gave a brilliant performance that was literally a dream come true for many fans. As a grand finale, things literally couldn’t have gone any better. Terminus: Ignition came to a close.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 21:50:55 +0000

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