Sunday 05 October 2014 Reading: Matthew 21:33-46 Reflection: - TopicsExpress


Sunday 05 October 2014 Reading: Matthew 21:33-46 Reflection: Jesus was not naive about how the world works. He knew that those who are given positions of influence over others have the capacity to do great good or great harm. Often it is not that leaders deliberately intend to hurt others. Its just that they become so caught up in their own self interest that they end up doing damage as a result. You dont have to look far to see this dynamic at work in our world, even as it was in Jesus world. But, its not just those in formal positions of leadership who need to hear Jesus message. If we have friends or family who respect our opinion, or if we teach Sunday School or lead a Bible study, or if we have our own children to look after, we are leaders. In fact, there is no person who is not a leader in some way to some other person. This means that we all need to be careful about the kind of influence we exert over others. In Jesus parable, the tenant farmers, who represent the religious leaders, keep the fruit of the vineyard to themselves. In other words, they refuse to share what they have received, and they use their position for themselves. We do this when we manipulate others for our own sakes, or when we refuse to use our influence for the best interests of others. When we do this, we cease to live as participants in Gods Reign, and we end up being contributors to injustice rather than givers of life.Are there any ways that you use your influence over others for your own benefit? How can you use your leadership, however small, to serve those around you today? Practice for Today: Whenever we are in a position of influence over others, it is always tempting to operate from a position of knowing and telling what is best for them. But, the best leadership invites others to grow into their best selves in their own way. And this means that listening is one of the most important practices of leadership. Today, make a special effort to listen to those in whose lives you exercise a measure of influence. Breath-Prayer for Today: As I seek to influence others for the sake of your Reign, O God, teach me to listen and serve.
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 03:48:58 +0000

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