Sunday, 07 December 2014 SURRENDER YOUR STRENGTH OVERVIEW - TopicsExpress


Sunday, 07 December 2014 SURRENDER YOUR STRENGTH OVERVIEW SCRIPTURE: And the LORD said unto him, What is that in thine hand? And he said, A rod. And he said, Cast it on the ground. And he cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from before it. Ex. 4:2-3 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: The reason for some people’s failure is marriage to tradition. God has not been able to do much in our lives because we are full of our own abilities. The angel touched Jacob’s thigh (the hamstring muscle), it went out of its joint and he was weakened. The hamstring muscle, which is one of the most powerful muscles in the body, was weakened in the course of the encounter Jacob had with God. When God said to Moses, ‘Drop your rod,’ (Exodus 4:2-3) He was literally saying, ‘Surrender your strength (that thing you depend on), and put it down.’ Therefore, one of the secrets of Divine encounter is willingness to surrender personal strength or ability. When you surrender your strength and ability, the glory for the manifestations and possibilities in your life will go back to God. Another secret to Divine encounter is willingness to surrender personal steps and strategies. Moses tried at first to deliver the children of Israel by using physical energy but he failed. God encountered him and gave him a change of strategy. When God told Moses to pull his shoes, what He meant was, ‘From today onwards, I’m the One to tell you when to wear it and where. I’m the One to direct your steps and dictate your actions.’ So, if you are going to encounter God, you must allow Heaven to give you strategy and steps. When the angel touched the hip of Jacob, his walking steps changed from that day. The reason for some people’s failure is marriage to tradition. There are certain things you have been doing your own way that are not working, but God is saying, ‘If you are ready for Me to change your approach and steps, then you are ready for an encounter.’ Remember this: the reason for some people’s failure is marriage to tradition. ASSIGNMENT (S) 1. Read the passage again meditatively. 2. Do as the passage says. FOR FURTHER UNDERSTANDING, GET THIS MESSAGE: THE POWER OF DIVINE ENCOUNTER PRAYER: Lord, I surrender my strength and any ability I claim to have to You. I depend solely on Your strength and strategy, in Jesus’ Name. DAILY READING: MORNING: Reflection EVENING: Reflection QUOTE: Your degree of yieldedness determines your degree of usefulness in the Hands of God. Culled from THOU ART MY BATTLE AXE by Dr Paul Enenche. PROPHETIC PARENTAL BLESSING FOR THE WEEK: I prophesy upon your life, the top is your place from this moment forward. Your movement shall be overtaken by the blessing. You shall be blessed in the house, and in the work of your hands. Every devil looking for you in this season shall be buried by the blessing, in Jesus’ Name. - Dr Paul Enenche.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 05:09:46 +0000

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