Sunday, 13 April 2014 07:35 HK star Linda Chung tells how she - TopicsExpress


Sunday, 13 April 2014 07:35 HK star Linda Chung tells how she bumped into guy PASSING MOTION in Spore toilet It is common for artistes to have work performances overseas and earlier, an amusing incident happened when Linda Chung went for a work trip in Singapore. According to an article on Asian E-news Portal, the actress and her assistant went to the VIP lounge to rest while waiting to board their plane. While waiting, Linda had the urge to go to the washroom. However, there was only one cubicle with no indication whether its a male or female toilet. Linda said in the article: The door was unlocked and I did not expect to see a guy passing motion when I pushed the door open. Oh my god! I immediately returned and found it funny but irritating. That guy pretended nothing happened when he walked to into the lounge and proceeded to eat his snacks, although we both exchanged eye contact. Linda added: Subsequently, I went to the cubicle and locked the door. However, I heard someone trying to open the door and coincidentally, it was the same guy. I did not expect the same incident to happen twice. I saw him passing motion while he saw me after I had used the cubicle. The situation is indeed awkward but cute too. -Asiaon Full article: malaysia-chronicle/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=261892:hk-star-linda-chung-tells-how-she-bumped-into-guy-passing-motion-in-spore-toilet&Itemid=4#ixzz2yl6ADQDh Follow us: @MsiaChronicle on Twitter
Posted on: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 09:53:38 +0000

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