Sunday 14th September Nick continues to progress in so many - TopicsExpress


Sunday 14th September Nick continues to progress in so many tiny yet significant ways. The neurostimulants that he has been on have now stopped and we held our breath for a while wondering if he would slide backwards but NO. He is eating more and more orally and LOVES food. He has porridge for breakfast; homemade soup, custard and fruit for lunch and I mince up whatever we have had for dinner the night before for Nicks dinner (lasagne, roast chicken, roast vegies, curry). Ive taken in a placemat and proper crockery and cutlery for him as I cant stand the dubious hospital food that looks like cat vomit and gets served up on a plastic plate, with plastic cutlery! Im fairly sure the staff think Im nuts but Im way past caring. His speech is fantastic now, quite fluent and clear and non stop! He is amazingly insightful - probably too insightful for his own good as at times he gets quite angry and depressed and has mentioned that he would rather not be alive or go back into a coma as everything is too hard. Heartbreaking for a parent to hear and Ive probably cried more in the past few weeks than the past few months, but even this shows just how well his brain is actually working and we are trying to treat this like yet another phase in his recovery. The staff at the Rehab Hospital tell us they have never had anyone quite like Nick. We did warn them early on that he was quite unique (uNick). He comes out with the most amazing comments such as everything is inconveniently misplaced and why is my life so discombobulated? This is going to be the title of a song he is writing with his music therapist. He still struggles with memory but every day he remembers more and more mostly from the past and mostly girls he has known, but its a start. He told us the other day he had a happy memory of asking Pippa out on the oval at Hampton Primary School (yes, primary school!). Also remembers the girls he liked at Kinder for goodness sake. He is a bit surprised that hes 18 as he doesnt remember his birthday but does know that it means he can drink beer - classic Nick comment - Oh, Im 18! Mum, can I have my first legal beer? His beautiful friends, Kate, Phil, Kosta and James are still very regular visitors and I hope they know how much Nick enjoys seeing them and also how much Andrew and I love them for what they do for Nick. It has also been fabulous that the Year 12 boys from Brighton Grammar School have been going out to visit Nick after school. Thank you so much (and the mums who drive them there and back). I know this is challenging for you but it has been so good for Nick, your conversation helps trigger memories and rewire pathways in his brain and he enjoys it. Its so important that he has peer interaction. So far (fingers crossed) things are on track to have Nick home for Christmas but Im now agitating to bring Nick home for a few hours on the weekends. With the weather warming up I can just see us all sitting in the sun on our back deck with Molly the dog running around. How good it will be for Nick and us.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 01:12:01 +0000

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